Another Campaign Mission Suggestion (Odin - Thunder Dreadnought)

Campaign Mission Suggestion



Part 1 - Preparing Storm



>A Calling Sound<


-Enter the zone “Iridium Haul”

-Destroy the marked Crystallid Hunters (0/10)

-Pick up the mysterious Debris (0/1)

-Talk to “Stinger”.


-500.000 Credits

-50.000 Free Synergy


>Armed Transports<


-Enter the zone “Ellydium Theta”

-Take orders from the Ellydium

-Destroy the pirates near the Upgraded Gate (0/25)

-Activate the Upgraded Gate (0/1)


-500.000 Credits

-50.000 Free Synergy


>A Terrible Route<


-Enter the zone “Raider Range”

-Destroy the attacking pirate forces (0/50)

-Enter the zone “Blackwood Shipyard”

-Destroy the attacking Ironside forces (0/50)

-Enter the zone “Felony Border”

-Destroy the attacking pirate forces (0/50)

-Enter the zone “Wasteland”

-Destroy the attacking Crystallid forces (0/50)

-Destroy the attacking Enclave forces (0/50)

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Revenge” (0/1)


-2.000.000 Credits

-150.000 Free Synergy

-Title “Sturdy Guard”


>The Hunter And Its Prey<


-Enter the zone “Pandora Anomaly”

-Destroy the attacking Infected ships and protect the transport ships (0/100)

-Escort the armed transport Ze’Tas “Vortex” and “Hurricane”

-Talk to “Stinger” and “Harao” (0/2)

-Battle the Corrupted Experimental Prototype Protazan


-1.000.000 Credits

-100 Iridium

-50 plates of choice (Iron/Graphite/Silicium)


>The Second Round<


-Enter the zone “Pilgrim 11”

-Take orders from the Ellydium (0/1)

-Destroy the attacking Cartel forces (0/75)

-Take orders from the Ellydium (0/1)

-Escort the transport Ze’Tas “Harbinger” and “Avalanche” to the Upgraded Gate


-500.000 Credits

-50.000 Free XP

-Pirate Rocket Slot blueprint of choice


>Urgent Search<


-Enter the zone “Dreadnought Debris”

-Scan the marked areas (0/3)

-Enter the zone “Devil’s Jaw”

-Scan the marked areas (0/3)

-Enter the zone “Pandora Anomaly”

-Scan the marked areas (0/3)

-Collect Stinger’s remains (0/1)

-Enter the zone “Ice Reef”

-Collect the clue (0/1)

-Enter the zone “Alpha-7 Complex”

-Collect the clue (0/1)

-Destroy the attacking Guards (0/20)

-Enter the zone “Water Harvest”

-Destroy the first wave of attacking guards (0/30)

-Destroy the second wave of attacking guards (0/50)

-Destroy the Elite Marten “Sci-Tech Sentinel” (0/1)

-Collect “Stinger” (0/1)

-Talk to “Stinger” (0/1)

-Dock in “Ellydium Theta”


-2.500.000 Credits

-200.000 Free XP

-250 Iridium

-2 Control System Management parts

>Multiple Routes<


-Enter the zone “Control Post”

-Escort the “Avalanche” to the gate

-Enter the zone “Ice Belt”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Avalanche” and destroy the Cartel forces (0/50)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Avalanche” to the gate and destroy the Enclave forces (0/20)

-Enter the zone “Colonization Hub”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Avalanche” and destroy the Raiders (0/50)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Avalanche” to the gate and destroy the Enclave forces (0/25)

-Enter the zone “Station: New Eden”

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Avalanche” to the dock

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Fortune” (0/1)

-Enter the zone “Eastern Mining Station”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” and destroy the Enclave forces (0/25)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” to the gate and destroy the Enclave forces (0/30)

-Enter the zone “Northern Mining Station”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” and destroy the Enclave forces (0/35)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” to the gate and destroy the Enclave forces (0/35)

-Enter the zone “Destroyed Station”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” and destroy the Crystallid forces (0/50)

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” and destroy the Enclave forces (0/50)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” to the gate while the Enclave and Crystallid forces are fighting

-Enter the zone “Derelict Stronghold”

-Protect the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” and destroy the Enclave forces (0/30)

-Escort the Ze’Ta “Harbinger” to the station and destroy the Enclave forces (0/50)

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Adventure” (0/1)


-5.000.000 Credits

-250.000 Free Synergy

-250 Iridium

-1 free blueprint of choice for Spike, Singularity, Project 1011 or Zhen parts.


>Dangerous Enemies<


-Enter the zone “Fort Muerto”

-Talk to Stinger (0/1)

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Happy” (0/1)

-Talk to the Pirate Baron (0/1)

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Pearl” (0/1)

-Talk to the Pirate Baron (0/1)

-Destroy the Pirate Destroyer “Golden Hind” (0/1)

-Talk to the Enclave Captain (0/1)

-Destroy the Experimental Destroyer (0/1)

-Talk to Stinger (0/1)


-50.000.000 Credits

-500.000 Free Synergy

-A pirate weapon of choice

-Pattern “Enclave Coating” (500 GS if the player already has it)

-100 Monocrystals

-100 Xenocrystals

-A rank 17 chip with Pulsar and Invulnerability after losing shield effects, and with 2 bonus stats which are Main Weapon Attack, Main Weapon Range, Critical Chance or Critical Damage.


>The Last Route<


-Enter the zone “Iridium Strand”

-Escort the transport Ze’Tas “Avalanche” and “Harbinger” to the gate and destroy the attacking enemies (0/150)

-Enter the zone “Lava Spines”

-Escort the transport Ze’Tas “Avalanche” and “Harbinger” to the gate and destroy the attacking enemies (0/200)

-Enter the zone “Sanctuary”

-Protect the transport Ze’Tas “Avalanche” and “Harbinger” and destroy the Predators (0/150)

-Protect the transport Ze’Tas “Avalanche” and “Harbinger” and destroy the Ghosts (0/200)

-Hide the Ze’Tas at safe spots (0/2)

-Talk to “Stinger” (0/1)

-Talk to “Harao” (0/1)

-Battle the Corrupted Experimental Prototype Protazan

-Escort the Ze’Tas to the Special Gate (0/2)


-5.000.000 Credits

-100.000 Free Synergy

-100 Iridium

-5 parts of choice “Reactor Pack, Shield Generator, Engine, External Structures or Computer Systems.”


>A Corrupted Mind<


-Enter the zone “Ancient Ruins”

-Destroy the Crystallid Forces (0/75)

-Enter the zone “Monolith Remains”

-Destroy the Marauder Forces (0/50)

-Destroy the Biomorph Forces (0/150)

-Enter the zone “Temple of Last Hope”

-Destroy the Imperial Forces (0/50)

-Destroy the Marauder Forces (0/75)

-Destroy the Dangerous Biomorph Forces (0/100)

-Listen to “Stinger” and “Harao” (0/1)

-Defeat the Corrupted Experimental Prototype Protazan (0/1)

-Talk to Stinger (0/1)


-10.000.000 Credits

-100.000 Free Synergy

-150 Iridium

-Title “Wrath of Echoes”

-1 part of the Protazan

Unlocks Open Space Mission "Battle Echoes"

The Mission appears randomly like any others


-Collect 3 infected parts left by the destroyed Protazan (0/3)


-48.500 Synergy


CAMPAIGN Part 1 Complection Rewards:

-Title “Vortex”

-Title “Hurricane”

-Title “Avalanche”

-Title “Harbinger”

-Decor “Ze’Ta Toy”

-Taunt “Now that you visit them, say hi to my fallen Ze’Ta friends!”


While making the missions, players should be dropped to a singleplayer copy of the sector so players could do it without problems with other players and it wouldn't be super buggy

I like the ideas, probably not campaign material and more like every day tasks, if tasks were a bit overhauled to be more engaging with idk cutscenes and stuff that is. Anywho, great suggestion ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)