Another afk macro bot user

It has massive  effects on 3vs 3 team balance and ruin’s my game I will report you cheaters and admins I  think you should open a section for this ,because numbers are raising here is another one;





so This guy played 1080 skirmish games and dont capture any beacon even single one… Over 1000 pvp ( i dont know how many are afk but when I look 99 pilot rating I say %99) no one report him yet? 



99 pilot rating??? Holy sheeps, that is like the lowest you can get it.

so This guy played 1080 skirmish games and dont capture any beacon even single one

afaik beacon capture count on profile only shows beacons captured in CTB mode. So it stays 0 until you do t4+ now (ever since they removed CTB from t3)

There is no need to blame people on the forum.
Please use the in game report system.