And you wonder why people leave...

It’s already bad enough that the matchmkaer sucks but now we get to deal with a larger squad on one side running low pings and probably voice comms, while we settle for crap ping, packet loss because the server can’t handle greater than 4v4 matches without lag, people disconnecting or afk at spawn, spawn camping crap and the makers dish it off because you didn’t follow some huge test result that shows you have high ping due to location (but it’s your connection) etc etc. Haven’t had many close games. Instead of piecemeal crap with the matchmaker, how about you make it random, upgrade your servers so they can actually handle large battles, and give us quicker matches with large battles.


“It will be unbalanced” well yeah it surely is now so how about you give it a try now that you’ve already pissed everyone off.




Oops I made a mistake about it being able to handle 4v4. Add to that team mates 2x engies who try to heal me when I have full health but ignore me when I have 3 people shooting me.



But [RadiX] never disconnects, this screenshot is a dusy 

If this issue is related to bad server performance, because they refuse to provide a decent investment into servers, then this is really sad.

First requirement you need is server stability and performance and if you get that, only then you can work on your skill. With 340-400 or more ping, it is unplayable, not to mention the packet loss!


I simply do not know what to say.

Do they even want more people in this game or they just want a few?

415 ping lol! Is that even playable?

No 1800 ping with 6% packet loss and I still get top score 3x the next person who shoots me with eclipse launcher when I have full health then I have 2 engies who totally ignore me when 3 people are shooting at me. The other person in the team tried 4x to 1v1 the enemy team and wondered why he died. After I died he was in an ECM heading the exact same path he just tried 4x in an ECM to try and kill the enemy captain…

To be fair we had lag and packet loss too, thats common on this game. And no comm voice.


Anyway Disconnecters are a big cancer in this game, but… all works as intenden???

But [RadiX] never disconnects, this screenshot is a dusy 


I find funny that people were complaining about veterans farming people in tier 3, and now they farm them in tier 4. I hope they fix that and make the tier 4 veterans to play tier 5.

I find funny that people were complaining about veterans farming people in tier 3, and now they farm them in tier 4. I hope they fix that and make the tier 4 veterans to play tier 5.


Why not just force the veterans to leave the game? :slight_smile: That will solve all the problems…


New rules: anyone with over 1k battles will have their game automatically uninstalled.

To be fair we had lag and packet loss too, thats common on this game. And no comm voice.


Anyway Disconnecters are a big cancer in this game, but… all works as intenden???

“Fair” except for the fact that people disconnect when they have 400 ping and complain when they have 200 yet I have to play with 400 all the time… Fair in that 80% of the time I get pitted against the more experienced or larger squad because balance… when radix squad was in t3 I think I got 1 or 0 matches with them and 10 or more against them.


The main part is that matches are one sided due to the small players per side and one person stuffing up their gameplay or dc or someone is good at killing everyone etc and then I have to wait 4 minutes for the matchmaker to find “balanced” matches. It may as well make random matches and give us bigger battles for same win rate and same amount of badly matched games!

Why not just force the veterans to leave the game? :slight_smile: That will solve all the problems…


New rules: anyone with over 1k battles will have their game automatically uninstalled.

Why? I can take a tier 1 ship and rule in tier 2. I can do the same in tier 3 with a tier 2 ship. In tier 4 with a tier 3 ship is not easy, since other veterans can have access to tier 4 ships, and it will be a disadvantadge. Tier 5 is no problem with a tier 4 ship. In fact there are tier 4 ships that are better than the tier 5 counterpart.


As always people complain because now they have hard games. Git gud.

Why not just force the veterans to leave the game? :slight_smile: That will solve all the problems…


New rules: anyone with over 1k battles will have their game automatically uninstalled.


Reductio ad absurdum. Ppl just mad they can’t roflstomp anymore in 3-4men squad T3.



I actually haven’t tried t3 PVP in the new system yet, so I should probably refrain from commenting.








That’s what I was thinking… Why would you ever use the A1MA module? It is literally a piece of junk.

415 ping lol! Is that even playable?

In South américa is normal in this game…

Tell me what I should use then, because this thing doesn’t really turn well and is designed to strafe. Phaser weapon isn’t the greatest up close with fast moving target . And as for paying T3, I normally try to do t5 or t4, so aside from 76 minute waits or tournament etc, I’m not a frequent T3 seal clubber. The same crap matchmaking happened in T3 anyway…

There are already enough equal threads.