and Old dog returning

Greetings, I am DonRay (ingame) usually called Don, or with my full name Don Raynor. I hail form finland and I have returned. I used to play a long while back when DYN was a thing. Now I have picked this game up again, and I’m enjoying it a lot. Now I’d like to find a primarily english speaking Corp. to house me, and teach this old dog new tricks. and there is my stats. (btw. I rape faces in T2-pugs even with my oldschool loadouts.) hit me up ingame, or post what you want me to do to prove my worth
*EDIT* I’m 19 years old, and I got TS3 if needed. *end of EDIT*

Hello and welcome to the forum!  GoD is an active english-speaking corp (with members from all over the planet), who is always on the lookout for pilots willing to play as a team.  We compete in sector conquest and fly wings in Invasion, and also squad up for regular pvp and pve.  Our TS channel: For flying in squads we strongly recommend using TS, however it is not compulsary except for sector conquest and Invasion squads.  There is usually someone on TS at all times, just send them a message when you get on and they will give you the tags.


contact me (IGN: millanbel) in game if you are interested or answer here, and I will gladly invite you! (we have no trial period or anything)


I am from France, I am also 19 years old and absolutely love this game :slight_smile:

Hey there Raynor! Glad to see you alive and kicking. Feel free to hit me up in-game.