An analysis of Pirate Mass Shield Generator

Numbers get!


Have a table.

Key: Blue for best performance in specific aspect, red for worst. Ties for best and worst share highlighting.

[/th][th]Pirate Mass Shield Generator V Mk. 4 Mass Shield Generator IV Mk. 5 Mass Shield Generator IV Mk. 4 Mass Shield Generator V Mk. 5 Mass Shield Generator V
Passive Heals 65 pts/sec 54 pts/sec 56 pts/sec 58 pts/sec
Active Heals (base) 2217 pts 1882 pts 1938 pts 2041 pts
Energy Cost 350 en 189 en 189 en 210 en
Heals per Energy 3 pt/en 2 pt/en 2 pt/en 2 pt/en
Cooldown Time 50 sec 40 sec 40 sec 40 sec
Effect Radius 2200 m 3100 m 3200 m 3100 m

As i said 1month(or 2?) ago in the patch discussion, pirate mass shield generator is useless.(are you surs that heals per en are differ on the differen lvl of the normal mashige).

Is it so hard to read and fix such issue, developers?

This issue must be addressed properly.


StatueofLibroty, explain what increase or adjustment would be comfortable for you, preferably in your chart.

I mean, noone uses this module anymore. It must be buffed considerably.

Is it so hard to read and fix such issue, developers?

This issue must be addressed properly.

StatueofLibroty, explain what increase or adjustment would be comfortable for you, preferably in your chart.

I mean, noone uses this module anymore. It must be buffed considerably.

Imo 13pts/en or a reload time of 22 sec would be ok.

Imo 13pts/en or a reload time of 22 sec would be ok.


That would actually make it op. We talk about balance, no tweaking and game breaking things.

I suggest to give it the same recharge time as the others have (40sec) and 12pts/en would do it already.

Maybe energy cost to 275 and it should be balanced at some point. Range can stay as it is.

900m is a big deficit, so on this module it should be focused that any heal is more effective than the heal of the normal version, that includes active and passive heal, with such a little difference as it has now, and 10 sec more reload time it’s kinda weak.


That would actually make it op. We talk about balance, no tweaking and game breaking things.

I suggest to give it the same recharge time as the others have (40sec) and 12pts/en would do it already.

Maybe energy cost to 275 and it should be balanced at some point. Range can stay as it is.

900m is a big deficit, so on this module it should be focused that any heal is more effective than the heal of the normal version, that includes active and passive heal, with such a little difference as it has now, and 10 sec more reload time it’s kinda weak.

i said or not and

Funny how the Pirate shield generator used to be the most effective at 270pt/s regen… I liked regens better when they were just active all the time at high-performance. I say make them regen like before, but the active portion just heals for a set amount that’s a few points over the regen stat. This would make them useful for survival and repair again, while allowing them to maintain the “always active” feature for newbies.

Well it used to be a stronger effect but with less range. No reason not to scale it that way again.


And how does Mk5 T4 Mass Shield get more points per energy than T5? What sense does that make?

What about healing per energy point scaling, is it the same? 

Well it used to be a stronger effect but with less range. No reason not to scale it that way again.


And how does Mk5 T4 Mass Shield get more points per energy than T5? What sense does that make?


What about healing per energy point scaling, is it the same? 



Sorry for the misleading information, folks. Ships were on forward fleet, only got to test it just now. OP has been edited. Pirate mass shield generator has approximately .8 healing per energy point more than T5 mk4 mass shield generator. Don’t have a mk5 to compare it to, unfortunately.

The new system still sucks compared to the old versions.

The new system still sucks compared to the old versions.

That depends on your viewpoint and your usage. The burst heals force you to balance keeping that one dude who likes staying out of cover right in front of the enemy spawn alive for five more seconds and saving your heals for later usage. They are, of course, also quite useful for the more mobile engineers, since you can pop in at 3 km away from a needy ally, use your heals, and pop right out again. But yes, they heal less overall, and can be less reliable unless in a squad.

Personally, I think the pirate version is still underpowered – Yes, it gets approximately a 50% bonus to healing, and only a 25% longer cooldown time. However, the effect radius being about 1000m shorter makes it infeasible to use in all but the tightest of squad formations.