AMS shoots friendly missiles down

Did my daily PVE battle earlier and noticed one guard’s AMS shooting down friendly missiles and guided torpedoes. Wasn’t this an old bug that was fixed long ago?

Combat.log excerpt until first guided torp getting shot down:


23:37:25.088 CMBT | ======= Connect to game session 4921032 =======
23:37:25.547 CMBT | Cancel aura 'PhaseShield_Phase0' id 16 type AURA_SHIELD_RESIST_THERMAL from 'HangarShip8'
23:37:27.204 CMBT | ======= Start PVE mission 'bigship_building_hard' map 's1550_pve_bigship_building' =======
23:37:28.610 CMBT | Spell 'Pve_BuffDamage' by PveAuraHolderEntity targets(1): PveAuraHolderEntity
23:37:28.610 CMBT | Spell 'Pve_HealShield' by PveAuraHolderEntity targets(1): PveAuraHolderEntity
23:37:28.610 CMBT | PVE_Mission: 'bigship_building_hard'. start round 1/3
23:37:58.741 CMBT | Spell 'PhaseShield_Phase0' by n/a(Module_PhaseShield_T5_Base) targets(1): n/a
23:37:58.741 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player0 (Arrision, #000877F3). 'Ship_Race2_L_T5_Faction2'
23:37:58.742 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player1 (ACTPOHOM, #00000119). 'Ship_Race2_L_T5_Faction1'
23:37:58.743 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player2 (Snib, #0000A7DE). 'Ship_Race3_L_T4_Faction1'
23:37:58.743 CMBT | Spawn SpaceShip for player3 (XenuZ, #00055AB7). 'Ship_Race2_L_T2_Faction1'
23:37:58.744 CMBT | PVE_Mission: 'bigship_building_hard'. round 1/3. start wave 1/3
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_BuffDamage' id 36 type AURA_DAMAGE_MOD to 'Arrision'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_BuffDamage' id 36 type AURA_DAMAGE_MOD to 'ACTPOHOM'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_BuffDamage' id 36 type AURA_DAMAGE_MOD to 'Snib'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_BuffDamage' id 36 type AURA_DAMAGE_MOD to 'XenuZ'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_HealShield' id 37 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_PERIODIC to 'Arrision'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_HealShield' id 37 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_PERIODIC to 'ACTPOHOM'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_HealShield' id 37 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_PERIODIC to 'Snib'
23:37:58.789 CMBT | Apply aura 'Pve_HealShield' id 37 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_PERIODIC to 'XenuZ'
23:37:58.790 CMBT | Apply aura 'PhaseShield_Phase0' id 39 type AURA_SHIELD_RESIST_THERMAL to 'Arrision'
23:37:59.269 CMBT | Spell 'EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic' by Snib(Module_EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic) targets(1): Snib
23:37:59.269 CMBT | Apply aura 'EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic' id 59 type AURA_ADD_ENERGY_PERIODIC to 'Arrision'
23:37:59.269 CMBT | Apply aura 'EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic' id 59 type AURA_ADD_ENERGY_PERIODIC to 'ACTPOHOM'
23:37:59.269 CMBT | Apply aura 'EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic' id 59 type AURA_ADD_ENERGY_PERIODIC to 'Snib'
23:37:59.269 CMBT | Apply aura 'EnergyEmitter_T4_Epic' id 59 type AURA_ADD_ENERGY_PERIODIC to 'XenuZ'
23:37:59.381 CMBT | Spell 'ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic' by Snib(Module_ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic) targets(1): Snib
23:37:59.381 CMBT | Apply aura 'ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic' id 60 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'Arrision'
23:37:59.381 CMBT | Apply aura 'ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic' id 60 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'ACTPOHOM'
23:37:59.381 CMBT | Apply aura 'ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic' id 60 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'Snib'
23:37:59.381 CMBT | Apply aura 'ShieldEmitter_T4_Epic' id 60 type AURA_HEAL_SHIELD_SCALED_PERIODIC to 'XenuZ'
23:37:59.525 CMBT | Rocket launch. owner 'Snib', def 'Expendable_BasicGuidedDron_T4_Mk3'
23:38:04.295 CMBT | Rocket detonation. owner 'ACTPOHOM', def 'Module_GuidedMissile_T5_Base', reason 'missile_defence'

Can post the full log if you need but since AMS activation does not get logged and neither does guided torp launch in this situation - I could post a long list of bug reports regarding the logs but I suppose nobody but myself actually cares :wink: - there’s not much else to see.
