Among other ecm items, About the Stasis Generator

Now, I will say this - 

The Stasis Generator now does what the Ion Diffuser does but with far less of a cooldown.

Now, it’s nice that the special module was given this ability, to be sure, but I believe that the Stasis Generator should stick to a module

that simply stops an enemy from firing and moving, along with being unable to start up modules while under the effect.

The enemy, while under the effects of a Stasis Generator, should be able to still have the modules that were already running stay running, however.

The Stasis Generator, right now,  is more of an Ion Diffuser than the actual Ion Diffuser. 

Just my 2 cents. I don’t really mind the buff, but it may be a bit much.


The Ion Diffuser’s main use is to shut down enemy modules. 

Now there’s 3 ecm modules that can do the job, and one of them has even less of a cooldown. 

I dunno man,combine that stasis with a DD missile on a strafECM and you can everyone rekt.

I think that there is no need to change its modules. It’s fine as it is.

I dunno man,combine that stasis with a DD missile on a strafECM and you can everyone rekt.



I think that there is no need to change its modules. It’s fine as it is.

You seem to be under the impression that this is asking for a buff on stasis.


It’s asking for a revert on the buff that wasn’t mentioned in any patch notes.

Wait a second, they changed statis generator? Why? And how? I usually don’t fly ECM, so I didn’t notice it. Can someone explain it to me? 

They made it so that, like the ion diffuser, the stasis generator and special bubble both are able to turn off enemy modules. The other change is that after you get hit with two ecm modules, to be specific, the stuns and the stasis, you’ll be immune to ECM modules, aside from the weapon system inhibitor, energy drain and the system hack, for 30 seconds, and the second one that hits you will only be worth 50% of its effectiveness.

I’m unsure if this applies to command Ecm missiles.

ion warheads are definitely op, you get tons of them, quick reload, acts like diffuser… totally not a skill wep. oh and u actually drop stuff if u get hit by one

Wait a second, they changed statis generator? Why? And how? I usually don’t fly ECM, so I didn’t notice it. Can someone explain it to me? 

I never fly ECM, but I noticed when things like overdrive, engine overcharge, orion, and adaptive camo started getting cancelled by stasis generator and metastable field. Relatively recent change, somewhere between one and three patches ago.

I’ve been piloting a guard frigate a lot lately, so these ECM changes have been really notable. Especially all those Caltrops with 2.5 km metastable stun radius are super annoying, and have already wasted uncounted shield boosters.