Alternative uses of the retired snipers

Since the “Great Sniper Nerf” the long-range frigates in T3 are not so useful. They are slow, have no damage of the special weapons and not tough. So what can we do with those ships to make them playable again? Well, this:






wVzhx0W.png  fdscdei.png


This is my modest fit called “Ratatatata” or other name “The Sigujdj”. 156 freedoms per minute, sometimes 2-3000 dmg per hit, insanely tanky next to an engineer, a slower interceptor easily killable with it, even with 2 degree spread. A guard usually melts down about 15-20 seconds, depends on it’s shield polarity. Ideal for cleaning up large amount of frigates and interceptor swarms. If you use it properly, it can be useful in Beacon Hunts as well, I won several with it. It doesn’t require much aiming skill, actually everything which is in the “big white circle” in the crosshair is dead. After the 1.0.9 Patch it’s more effective. The TTCP can be changed to an Infrared scanner, I only added it because I found one in the armory and it can make the fit more spicy.


What’s your opinion? How do you use your sniper? Do you have such a crazy fit like this? Share it!

That build looks like Michael Bay had a baby with Star Conflict.


I love positrons way too much to use anything but them on a long range, though.

Yet another biased poll. I use them the same I did before. As long range heavy support ships. If your Lrf efficiency was based in 10% more sniper damage, then you were a bad Lrf pilot anyway.

Heavy bomber. Get to a beacon, deploy minefield, kill half the enemy team because they think the glowing red lights are candy.

Thats how Ive been using them since day 1 but with crit ammo and 2 Infrared Scanners. With an engineer healing your fat xxxx from behind that ship is the doom.

I am sure that developers are preparing a next batch of updates to remedy the situation.

Remember, tomorrow is a big day. Dreadnoughts are coming… or maybe not in the next 2 - 3 weeks…


Sigurdr is my favorite choice. I use it with mixed tactics, but mostly as a heavy gunship with an Engineer escort.

Maniacs have never been easier to obtain.

Since the “Great Sniper Nerf” the long-range frigates in T3 are not so useful. They are slow, have no damage of the special weapons and not tough. So what can we do with those ships to make them playable again? Well, this:






wVzhx0W.png  fdscdei.png


This is my modest fit called “Ratatatata” or other name “The Sigujdj”. 156 freedoms per minute, sometimes 2-3000 dmg per hit, insanely tanky next to an engineer, a slower interceptor easily killable with it, even with 2 degree spread. A guard usually melts down about 15-20 seconds, depends on it’s shield polarity. Ideal for cleaning up large amount of frigates and interceptor swarms. If you use it properly, it can be useful in Beacon Hunts as well, I won several with it. It doesn’t require much aiming skill, actually everything which is in the “big white circle” in the crosshair is dead. After the 1.0.9 Patch it’s more effective. The TTCP can be changed to an Infrared scanner, I only added it because I found one in the armory and it can make the fit more spicy.


What’s your opinion? How do you use your sniper? Do you have such a crazy fit like this? Share it!

my tactic is rush beacons in lrf and plant mines. use reverse thrusters to warp back. 


No wonder my sr dropped over 1k over the past 2 weeks. lol

Heavy bomber. Get to a beacon, deploy minefield, kill half the enemy team because they think the glowing red lights are candy.

My personal favourite: Get to max speed, turn on EM scattering, drift to someone who’s camping, drop mines and shoot charged positrons. 3/4 of the time, they don’t even notice they’re dead. Which makes me somewhat sad, but the chance to blow people up like that is just too wonderful.

Same as before… crit laser / positron builds + mines. Hardly ever used the special modules. Gunboat much more fun :smiley:

Same as before… crit laser / positron builds + mines. Hardly ever used the special modules. Gunboat much more fun :smiley:

As well as effective… Ya to one hitting CO with main weapon… That’ll teach us not to use EB!

We need another thread like this for Jericho ones :>

I will never post my solution.

Inb4 xKostyan says my solution is losing.

Ya, you’re way too frikkin good at that Mr T1 in T5. I’m going to warp to A and take it alone. Good luck with the 2v1 I left you with. O no you are wrong our A isn’t about to get hit, o wait your right. No, you’ve got that 3v1 at A. We lost because Dave couldn’t kill both the tackler & ECM at A. The pansy left after killing the Tackler and an engineer showed up.


Playin guard cap with no Eng backup. Actually I’m not a total hater on this.

who are you referring too. I literally have no idea.

I use it as sniper sniper but sometimes there is something wrong with me(more than normally) and I use it as gunboat(mortars, positrons, ions > w/e)