ALT key brings up cursor

While playing today i noticed that sometimes i get on screen the mouse cursor, and that my ship stops shooting. Only after a while i remembered that i use the Left ALT key to bring the ship down, and tried a few times and noticed that was the problem. The cursor goes away only after i pres again LALT. Got the same problem with Full Screen, Windowed (Full Screen Stretched) and also Windowed. 


Game running on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta2 

That is a feature not a bug: You need the cursor to be able to open the chat window on the bottom left.

The Windows version behaves the same way.

That is a feature not a bug: You need the cursor to be able to open the chat window on the bottom left.

The Windows version behaves the same way.

Hardly, my Windows clients strafes downwards using LALT like expected. Chat is activated on Windows using the Return key.

I have the same problem. It seems that the focus of the game is lost or something. I have no sound than. If it is a feature how can i deactivate it? I want to strafe down with LALT, not been able to click on the chat

I usually have that when alt-tabbing out of the game and back in. Alt-tab again and the cursor is invisible again.

I had the same problem. I installed compizconfig settings manager and in unity disdabled “key to show the menu bar while pressed” and “key to show the HUD when tapped”


Also I had a problem with keyboard layout toogle set to left ALT+SHIFT … I disabled it too. 

