Alt F4

Why did devs remove Alt F4?! 

I need it back!

It’s essential!!

Don’t need alt f4 right now. The game keeps crashing over and over.

23 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Don’t need alt f4 right now. The game keeps crashing over and over.


You can’t choose the moment of exit. Developers know better than you.  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

In soviet russia you don’t exit the game, the game exits you.

In Wazgot public test i told that alt f4 is not working. CinnamonFake responded tat this function is disabled in publc test client. Now i cant return to wazgot pts discussion because of "

You do not have permission to view this content.

Error code: 2F173/H


Did Cinnamon lied?


alt f4 was one of the few working and ballanced features in this game. We need it back specially couse of lack leave battle button etc. Btw in my opinion lack of possibility to close apliccation is not ok. I know that there are other possibilities to kill the process but cmon… you are developing game or malicious software?

There is one other way.


  • Start Task Manager before starting Star Conflict.

  • Start Star Conflict

  • ALT+TAB to switch between tasks.

  • Press End Task to close the program.

  • Profit!



11 minutes ago, Koromac said:

There is one other way.


  • Start Task Manager before starting Star Conflict.

  • Start Star Conflict

  • ALT+TAB to switch between tasks.

  • Press End Task to close the program.

  • Profit!




15 minutes ago, MuflonUrsrs said:

I know that there are other possibilities to kill the process but cmon… you are developing game or malicious software?

^dis [@Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243485-koromac/)

Step 1: Press Alt+F4

Step 2: restart the game

Step 3: wonder why there isn’t a pop up anymore to get back into battle

Step 4: ???

Step 5: make a bug report that Alt+F4 works on certain systems

Just now, John161 said:

Step 1: Press Alt+F4

Step 2: restart the game

Step 3: wonder why there isn’t a pop up anymore to get back into battle

Step 4: ???

Step 5: make a bug report that Alt+F4 works on certain systems


In current conditions hotkey killing Star conflict process is considered as illegal automation software?

20 minutes ago, MuflonUrsrs said:

In current conditions hotkey killing Star conflict process is considered as illegal automation software?

I never said that I am using this, btw. I just said that I know that many people are using this a shortcut, when they are not getting the game mode they want or need.

last time when the game hung on the black screen with the circle

which happened probably because i started the game too fast after closing it, because i had forgotten to look up something

and i could not alt tab

started task manager, still no alt tab

no alt f4 either

get stuck in hell

i remembered: you can also log out from session.

windows closes everything your user had open.




15 hours ago, g4borg said:

and i could not alt tab

started task manager, still no alt tab

no alt f4 either

get stuck in hell

Keyboard input probably still works? If so you can use command prompt


[win + R] -> “cmd” -> [enter] -> “taskkill /im StarConflict.exe” -> [enter]

6 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

Keyboard input probably still works? If so you can use command prompt


[win + R] -> “cmd” -> [enter] -> “taskkill /im StarConflict.exe” -> [enter]

why opening cmd when you can call taskkill directly? And the exe is called game.exe.