allow station protection everywhere in open space

“Station Protection” functions as a pvp-flag. Those interested in PVP in open space can already turn it off in the game preferences and PVP to their hearts’ content. I’m largely not interested in PVP in open space, and would like to complete open space missions without interference from other players.

That is good. Stick to station protection sectors then. Nobody can kill you out there.


But if you go to “dangerous” sectors, well, that is why they are dangerous.


I suppose you usually go in an ubertanked, slow frigate with no means of escape in case you are bounced by a solo player roaming in an interceptor. I will recommend that in case you have to go to a dangerous sector you use a recon or a similar fast interceptor (cruiser tacklers are also good) to complete the mission and have some means of escape if you are attacked.


Also, pirate players like challenges. Killing a fat guard is boring, but pursuing a cloaking cruise tackler all around the sector is fun!


That is good. Stick to station protection sectors then. Nobody can kill you out there.


I’m going to the PVP zones for the day’s assigned errands. It’s rare that I’m bothered by other players, but since errands are not cancelable it is possible for other players to effectively lock me out of completing the (essentially PVE) task. Simply turning “station protection” into a full PVP-flag would prevent such griefing.


I’m going to the PVP zones for the day’s assigned errands. It’s rare that I’m bothered by other players, but since errands are not cancelable it is possible for other players to effectively lock me out of completing the (essentially PVE) task. Simply turning “station protection” into a full PVP-flag would prevent such griefing.

It is not griefing. It is a dangerous sector. You are accepting risks if you go there. Griefing would be killing people in high sec sectors like you can do in Eve Online.


You can cancel one errand per day by the way.

This is not planned.

If there is a player in a sector giving you trouble, just warp to another and warp back, chances are you will start in another instance of that sector :wink: Otherwise, man-up and expect trouble when going to dangerous sectors, use a suitable ship for the job at hand. Or team up with some buddies.

 chances are you will start in another instance of that sector ;) 

There’s instances in this game? :o
