Allow players to solo PvE

The ability to go in to a custom PvE match without a team would be very very nice. For both showing off skill and for simply making cred while nobody is online. Queues take ages most hours (for PvE) and honestly I’m sitting in the hangar more than I’m playing these days.


Add hangar games or solo play please. Queue at night is hell.

Would be interesting, but I wonder if you can actually finish any T5 PvE Alone?

That is from the start until its end.

The test server’s MM is broken afaik and will toss you into every PvE solo. Just wait for that thing to come back up and go nuts.

14 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

The test server’s MM is broken afaik and will toss you into every PvE solo. Just wait for that thing to come back up and go nuts.

Test servers designed for low capacity. Throws everyone in to solo/small matches to speed up MM.


Also test server’s don’t get your account anything useful, and are only online at incredibly inconvenient times on days you’re most certainly busy. XD

16 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Would be interesting, but I wonder if you can actually finish any T5 PvE Alone?

T5 is sh*t in all regards nowadays. But in my Tyrant/Mauler I’d bet I could do it.

56 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Would be interesting, but I wonder if you can actually finish any T5 PvE Alone?

It’s a lot easier than it looks . T5 PvE is pretty easy if you have skill and a ship with good enough regen, damage, or some combo (MSG also helps) . a solo PvE would be nice, especially if it was a horde mode type thing which is by itself well suit for soloPvE 

1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

Would be interesting, but I wonder if you can actually finish any T5 PvE Alone?


Ariane’s Thread is soloable. I’m pretty sure others are.too but I haven’t had the chance.

You can complete Defense contract alone

You can complete Fire support alone in a destroyer

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

You can complete Defense contract alone

You can complete Fire support alone in a destroyer


 I agree with this, 


For fun, Devs should alove just Pirate Fort raid, Ellydium ride, Blackwood shipyard and Capture Dreadnought  ![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”)

Players already solo PvE, they feed 3 parasites, when doing so, but they can solo it^^