Here is my Alligator mk3 build, for those who asked.
Play style description in short: Positioning-positioning-positioning, you can’t tank, don’t attempt to.
Here is my Alligator mk3 build, for those who asked.
Play style description in short: Positioning-positioning-positioning, you can’t tank, don’t attempt to.
i.e. kill or gtfo
Can you show us the build on the Spirit? I’m curious because Kris AE is way better imo (sharpnel cannon with that ship op :D)
I’m jelly of that experimentals, I would like to have the shield regenerator one for my Styx.
eww, a Spirit!
Can you show us the build on the Spirit? I’m curious because Kris AE is way better imo (sharpnel cannon with that ship op :D)
I’m jelly of that experimentals, I would like to have the shield regenerator one for my Styx.
I use Spirit because my Jericho ECMs are in T1 at Dagger synergy 1/6 I absolutely agree that Kris AE is much better, i just don’t have it.
It does the job though, but there isn’t much variety of roles you can build for with Spirit and modules that are available to you.
These are 2 builds i use on my Spirit:
Energy neutralizing missiles combined with energy absorber: your target doesn’t stand a chance of having any energy and you can perma-afterburn while in the field.
Energy neutralizing missiles combined with energy absorber: your target doesn’t stand a chance of having any energy and you can perma-afterburn while in the field.
Neither do friendly Ceptors inside that bubble. I hate your entire xxxx race for using that xxxx.
Neither do friendly Ceptors inside that bubble. I hate your entire xxxx race for using that xxxx.
Energy neutralizing missiles are the best team griefing weapons out there. If you use them you’re on your own, I won’t get near you.
I use Spirit because my Jericho ECMs are in T1 at Dagger synergy 1/6 I absolutely agree that Kris AE is much better, i just don’t have it.
It does the job though, but there isn’t much variety of roles you can build for with Spirit and modules that are available to you.
These are 2 builds i use on my Spirit:
I see xKostyan, I was just wondering that, by the way nice colours on that ships. I will take advantage of the situation and ask you for your builds for the Deimon, I have it too (awesome ship and my build is pretty poor due to the lack of blues (leveling up wardens to 9).
Any tips for that ship? I would appreciate them a lot.
I see xKostyan, I was just wondering that, by the way nice colours on that ships. I will take advantage of the situation and ask you for your builds for the Deimon, I have it too (awesome ship and my build is pretty poor due to the lack of blues (leveling up wardens to 9).
Any tips for that ship? I would appreciate them a lot.
Recons used to be my favourite ship before the patch. As they are now, their only use is, literally, early Beacon capture and not much else. You might be able to make them tanky, but idk…
I see we have quite similar fits, obviously my pylon is a latter modification for the torp lulz (tbh, I found the purple two weeks ago and didn’t know what to do with it), also I sacrifice a bit of max speed for more short range mobility and use positrons. The Adaptive Shield (+39 omni at speed) is for storming the front (therefore also acceleration speed as much as I can get in the engines), I see the second shield slot as wildcard for this ship and use it usually as secondary healer / front line healer. I’d rather equip an additional Thermal atm. instead of the second EM, but it makes sense with Coils to be more EM tanky to close in on positrons and have a better resist to fighters. However the deadliest thing to an engi in a team is still getting primaried by multiple LRF. The good base resists also make sense with shield amplification, so the Alligator is pretty versatile anyway.
Yes, I have some surplus synergy on this ship.
This ship would be more awesome if it had 2 cpus instead of the hull slot. I had it both with 3 passive shields and with 2-horizon-1 spreadreduction before the patch, and it was an awesome mid range positron sniper back then.
Recons used to be my favourite ship before the patch. As they are now, their only use is, literally, early Beacon capture and not much else. You might be able to make them tanky, but idk…
I find Recons extremely effective, much better than CovOps for sure (in T3) This weekend i swapped my Deimos to have 13.5k Sensor range, this change alone, while playing solo, won me 90% of Capture the Beacon games over the weekends (not counting ones i played in the squad), It made Detonation relatively easier due to the fact that people can see all 3 enemy beacons and most of the force around them so, at least some from the PUBs, can judge where is better to rush with the bomb. I find it is much more comfortable playing any mode on an “Outpost” map (the one with warp gates) due to the simple fact that i can cover all choke points and myself and my team already knows what to expect upon arriving. Oh and i’ve received countless thanks from my snipers for highlighting enemy backline forces :)) On top of that it is super tanky and allows you to be that much more offencive in enemies face.
I will post my build when i get home from work (and damned i just got here :()
> Energy Neut missiles
Neither do friendly Ceptors inside that bubble. I hate your entire xxxx race for using that xxxx.
Energy neutralizing missiles are the best team griefing weapons out there. If you use them you’re on your own, I won’t get near you.
Single Smartly put Energy neutralized missile can win you a game, and it did many times by now (same for slow field but not as much)
Here is 2 examples:
Beacon hunt while you might not be able to get in a proper position on 1st Beacon (unless there is a friendly warp gate for you) You make a field on enemy side on the rout that main forces will advance through, it will slow them down, it will drain most of the energy going through it so upon arriving close to the beacon they cant spam they modules and your team can shoot them while they advancing, they cant realy AB dodge anything.
Detonation. How many times i planted a bomb with the help of these, of course if the enemy is up in your tail, it won’t help you, but if you have some distance well placed field will cut off most of the followers, in same time you can cut off enemies that are charging from the side.
this missile is extremely effective at crowd control in major routes/choke points. Of Course some newer people will screw up your own team, but in a right hand it has a capability of turning the game in your favor missile by missile.
Of Course some newer most people will screw up your own team, but in a right hand it has a capability of turning the game in your favor missile by missile.
Fixed and agreed.
Yes, I have some surplus synergy on this ship.
3mill synergy isn’t “surplus”… o.O
Single Smartly put Energy neutralized missile can win you a game, and it did many times by now (same for slow field but not as much)
Here is 2 examples:
Beacon hunt while you might not be able to get in a proper position on 1st Beacon (unless there is a friendly warp gate for you) You make a field on enemy side on the rout that main forces will advance through, it will slow them down, it will drain most of the energy going through it so upon arriving close to the beacon they cant spam they modules and your team can shoot them while they advancing, they cant realy AB dodge anything.
Detonation. How many times i planted a bomb with the help of these, of course if the enemy is up in your tail, it won’t help you, but if you have some distance well placed field will cut off most of the followers, in same time you can cut off enemies that are charging from the side.
this missile is extremely effective at crowd control in major routes/choke points. Of Course some newer people will screw up your own team, but in a right hand it has a capability of turning the game in your favor missile by missile.
But you have to understand, not everyone thinks that way and most pilots are more than willing to throw one of those into anything, therefore screwing their own team in the process. They don’t think, nor do they care to think, as long as they can get a kill or two before dying like idiots. I’ll agree that well-placed Neuts will, ultimately, aid your team, but you have to udnerstand that 90% of ECM pilots just don’t give a xxxx…
3mill synergy isn’t “surplus”… o.O
But you have to understand, not everyone thinks that way and most pilots are more than willing to throw one of those into anything, therefore screwing their own team in the process. They don’t think, nor do they care to think, as long as they can get a kill or two before dying like idiots. I’ll agree that well-placed Neuts will, ultimately, aid your team, but you have to udnerstand that 90% of ECM pilots just don’t give a xxxx…
Absolutely, it just in context of this thread, i posted the build and both of you replied as “Say NO to energy missile” so i took it somewhat personally :))
And i tend to flatter myself with a thought that i am somewhat above average player :)))
Absolutely, it just in context of this thread, i posted the build and both of you replied as “Say NO to energy missile” so i took it somewhat personally :))
And i tend to flatter myself with a thought that i am somewhat above average player :)))
Well, yes, I’m not doubting you’re a good pilot; hell, I barely scrape above the acceptable line… But, seeing as I mostly fly solo, I tend to avoid those and the Tackler ones, as well. Just so I don’t screw any team mate. In fact, I think the only time I’ve ever used them was in our corp. v corp. matches, to give us some area denial.
Recons used to be my favourite ship before the patch. As they are now, their only use is, literally, early Beacon capture and not much else. You might be able to make them tanky, but idk…
I love to drone xxxx everyone, seriously, its so furstrating when it happens to me that i want everyone to suffer for ever the same every game.
Well, yes, I’m not doubting you’re a good pilot; hell, I barely scrape above the acceptable line… But, seeing as I mostly fly solo, I tend to avoid those and the Tackler ones, as well. Just so I don’t screw any team mate. In fact, I think the only time I’ve ever used them was in our corp. v corp. matches, to give us some area denial.
Actually this is exactly why i bring these missiles to my solo flights. I have to have as much of an impact in random game as possible, while having unguided missiles undoubtedly will help kill certain targets, but death of these targets rarely will have larger impact on a game flow, while denie a timed access to the point of interest to the enemy 5 ships while yours are getting there having tremendous effect on the game.