
“Alliances will appear later on, as the potential arises for clans to fight against one another to gain influence in the galaxy. At this point, you will be able to enter into contracts with other clans.” by Game Devs in Dev Answers.

Alliances will play as big a role as the clans themselves. Therefore, I decided to make this topic with my opinion on how I would like to see it in the game.


Essentially, Alliances are the diplomatic part of the game which involve different clans with similar goals.

Alliances allow, from the point of view of a single clan:

-Establishing relations with other clans, regardless of the faction they are currently representing.

-Coordinating attacks with the allied clans.

-Non-Agression Pacts

-Unity to increase the power of the single clans within that alliance.


When they decide to change to an Open World game, Alliances would allow:

-Attacking sectors for the alliance, and not just the clan.

-Free pass withing the alliance’s sectors.

-Protection from the alliance’s clan members.

-Building a seat of power representing the Alliance, a “Super Space Station”.

-Perhaps a “Super Capital Ship”, although this isn’t a good idea because then only clans with good strong alliances would have the most powerful ship.


Alliances are expected to be implemented during Open Beta

Thanks for your ideas, since alliances will be added some time later we will keep this in mind until the right time.

No problem, I’ll keep them coming :slight_smile:

What’s your oppinion on this guys? :slight_smile:

Most of the features you’ve added to the Alliance “wish list” are primarily compatible with an open-world game. If SC stays an instanced random battlezone game, most of those features will be void.

Most of the features you’ve added to the Alliance “wish list” are primarily compatible with an open-world game. If SC stays an instanced random battlezone game, most of those features will be void.

My posts are related to my main post, Game Suggestion Overhaul, in which I have said how this game with open world would be like :wink: