All Hail the mighty Empire!

advice from me…get as much points in empire as you can now…it will be really hard to win battles and get contract points once there are only a few sectors left…some blue items they offer are really nice


This doesn’t really make any sense, as no matter what faction you’re currently fighting for you still fight a random assortment of pilots (some of whom will be fighting for the same faction as you) and can complete contracts at the same rate. Even if the Empire loses all its territory the difficulty of completing quests for them won’t increase.

Lackeys, zealots, and slaves! Dictators, despots, and overseers! The Empire, like Rome of Old Earth, lies broken and mired in its own corruption, crushed by its own greed and gluttony.


I’ve been to the front lines — Federation pilots are greeted as liberators, not conquerors. I beg the other citizens of the Empire to rise up and throw off the chains of your masters. Join the Federation, and live as the Universe intended you to be — free men and women, beholden to no one but yourself!  


To the mercenaries and corporations fighting on the side of this sick, dying Empire, ask yourself — how many credits is your soul worth? No amount of Gold Standards in your off-planet bank account will save you when the Federation fleets come for the Empire Homeworlds. Switch sides now, before it’s too late. 


Freedom will always overcome Tyranny. For the Federation!


What is this Trechery!


You and your rebel army will pay for this incolence!


The Empire will not succumb to the temptations of the false Federation! There is but one supreme ruler in this galaxy, and that is, and always will be, The Mighty Empire!


Our apprehention of you, and your rebel armadas, will be swift and merciless!


The remaining personal units, wich unfortunatly might survive our onslaught, will be put back into the service of The Mighty Empire, by hard labour on our rehabilitation planets, where they will lern to truly serve The Glorious Empire!


Death to the False Federation! And all others who are foolish enought to oppose The Righteous Empire!

What is this Trechery!


You and your rebel army will pay for this incolence!


The Empire will not succumb to the temptations of the false Federation! There is but one supreme ruler in this galaxy, and that is, and always will be, The Mighty Empire!


Our apprehention of you, and your rebel armadas, will be swift and merciless!


The remaining personal units, wich unfortunatly might survive our onslaught, will be put back into the service of The Mighty Empire, by hard labour on our rehabilitation planets, where they will lern to truly serve The Glorious Empire!


Death to the False Federation! And all others who are foolish enought to oppose The Righteous Empire!


Pay no heed to this Empire bootlicker. I’ve no doubt he’s been composing these propaganda messages in hopes of receiving a few scraps from the Emperor’s table.


No matter what era or corner of the galaxy you’re in, dying regimes always resort to spreading self-serving lies and misinformation in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

The federation has no fear of the empire. remove us and your trade market shall be gone! This foolish empire barely held against the last wave of jericho! turn on us and you’ll have twice that to deal with >:)

I’ma have to roll in here with my Precursor buddies.