Alien map

When is the lovely green map with all the tunnels coming back?

I believe it caused some performances issues, yes? Have they been fixed?

53 minutes ago, millanbel said:

When is the lovely green map with all the tunnels coming back?

I believe it caused some performances issues, yes? Have they been fixed?

They caused performance issues on xxxx computers, cant force people to upgrade, can you ))

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

When is the lovely green map with all the tunnels coming back?

I believe it caused some performances issues, yes? Have they been fixed?

Abandoned complex causes performance issues but it’s still here.

Also, Leviathon catacombs was horrific when it came to spawn camping.

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

They caused performance issues on xxxx computers, cant force people to upgrade, can you ))

The burrito map does too, but it’s still in rotation ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Good riddance! FPS dropt to hel…

10 minutes ago, theNoob said:

Good riddance! FPS dropt to hel…

Like many other maps… But what I was actually asking is have they managed to solve those issues in order to bring back that beautiful map?

45 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

That map was terrible. Couldn’t snipe there ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) 

Indeed ^^ It was perfect for brawling with bubbles though, and also for kill people with EM torps. Not so easy to use gaus there aither though, which forced me to adapt my playstyle.

It’s an unbalanced blatant map. This was said from me from the start and was proven only a few weeks later with tournament playing.

It would be so awesome to play on that map agin, both teams all clogged up in the corridor choke points… desstroyers with black holes, photons and halos will do great on that map ))) and thilit )))

…and lot of static barriers. Anyhow, I liked that map too.

FYI the map’s name is “Leviathan Catacombs”.

7 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

FYI the map’s name is “Leviathan Catacombs”.

Yes, I’m trying to learn map names but some of them are very similar like northern mining station and eastern. But I should remember the name of that one yeah ^^

8 hours ago, millanbel said:

Yes, I’m trying to learn map names but some of them are very similar like northern mining station and eastern. But I should remember the name of that one yeah ^^

There obviously is a difference between the mining stations,one is in the east  and one is in the north,also could be great to get the western and southern mining stations!

The only problem I had with the Catacombs, other than crashing the game, was the visibility. I had a hard time seeing ships from 5000+ meters.