Aircraft design error

“Machete type S” have a design error, his wings asymmetry. But those wings from “Machete AE” is symmetry



And some of contracts I can not finish in any way, it seemed like those part of contracts doesn’t work at all.

Check the maximum size of the MTU on the connection to the server


Usually this error is caused a “too low” value of the MTU which might be caused by the settings of the provider or your router.

Less often - the operating system.

To exclude this option as cause of communication problems, check the real maximum unfragmented packet size to the current game server.

Its value should not be less than 604.
Its normal value is around 1400.

You can check the value in two ways.

1. Simple method

Using the ping command with the -f -l 600 parameters (here l - is the English L (el). The parameter is important.)

Click “Start” and run cmd.exe


ping -f -l 600 <IP address of the dedicated server>

here l - is the English L (el). The parameter is important. Obtain the server address by one of the methods mentioned above
For example:

ping -f -l 600 11.222.333.444

If the MTU is “blocked”, you will see the message:

require packet fragmentation, but prohibiting flag is set.
require packet fragmentation, but prohibiting flag is set.
require packet fragmentation, but prohibiting flag is set.

2. Advanced method

Use this utility mtupath.exe

mtupath.exe <IP address of the dedicated server>

The result will look like this:

MTU path scan to 11.222.333.444, ttl=64, limit=48

16 processing - best MSS 1472 (estimated MTU 1500) [pPPPPpPppPpppppp]

01 nearest minimum MTU on local interface

        #1 MSS IN RANGE     1 <==  1471 ==>  1472
        #2 MSS EXCEEDED  1473 <== 14911 ==> 16384

Your range and the actual value the MTU takes, can be found in line # 1 MSS IN RANGE