Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:


Input is indeed controlled my the client, but none of your movement is determined by the client. So no speed mods or quick turns etc. Ever had 14s ping?

Nope, but quite often 18ms. Movement is controlled to some extend by the client, but the server corrects a position if it is ‘wrong’ like in most games, speed mods are only a problem in games where on player hosts the game (e.g. Call of Duty). Some games accept if the client is like 2% off or so (e.g. a person is a bit faster then he should) but Star Conflict is just very very strict.


25 minutes ago, Koromac said:

So, who was that guy who got banned?

Mam, old username was xD, you probably played with him

Played with and against him… never felt like he had aimbot. Bunch of other players had better tracking and aim (aggressor, prm, hass, etc) than him

Even in his gameplay he is missing a some shots on a drone that isn’t evading and is flying into the prediction marker. I don’t think he was cheating, just weird mouse settings

If he was actually aimbotting he wouldn’t upload the gameplay smh

i dont see anything in the uploaded video, and xD was by himself decent enough


you dont say it was because of this video, right? there must have been other proof!?


12 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The game itself hasn’t been hacked yet because of a few reasons. Firstly, the majority of the game happens on the server. Only the graphics and interface are client-side.

Secondly, nobody has or can crack Hammer, so there’s no good way to decompile the game files to access them. And you can in fact decompile them, but it’s tedious and not very rewarding unless you just want to peek at future ship models. (highly recommended)

i heard the game was scripted mainly in lua, which i do believe was even sometimes said on the forum - that however also means, that you can decompile it even cold.

but yeah, you cant hack stuff where you have no authority over; games with high player numbers, like arma, have a lot of client authority built in to keep the game fast, where a hacker can even teleport others around, besides spawning basicly anything he wants or even insert scripts to the clients; speedhacks are actually cheating the protocol flow and can happen also on server authority.


however either an aimbot or any input spoof, wallhacks (okay they make no sense in SC), and finally, since the game has voice and i bet its some peer2peer library, trying to ddos other players directly so their client slows down and even crashes are fine within the possibility in this game.


interesting sidenote that thankfully someone who is smart enough to write such stuff, will find a lot more interesting things to do, so most stuff like this is written by inexperienced people; it kinda is like that with most illegal things, except maybe cracking drms. i am always a bit thankful, nobody in the spam business decided to circumvent honeypots or captchas…



looked at another video from the reddit post. have to agree, it kinda looks like the mouse snaps to the general direction of the targets a bit there.

but it does seem to need manual aiming afterwards

couldn’t see any aim bot actively intervention  … 

I have actually ZERO PROBLEMS with aimbots as long as you can sustain a lock on your target and everybody has access to them.


I even think it’s beneficial to the game to make an aimbot-cpu you can equip.

Max weapons on target = CPUs installed.


You sacrifice krit-cpus or proto-wall-cpus but some players are better of using aimbot-cpus.

If someone stealths, it is their own problem (long range frigates).


Engineers even have 2 weapons with aimbots (they are called drones) and they fit into balance.

2 minutes ago, Sola_Evoli said:

I have actually ZERO PROBLEMS with aimbots as long as you can sustain a lock on your target and everybody has access to them.


I even think it’s beneficial to the game to make an aimbot-cpu you can equip.

Max weapons on target = CPUs installed.


You sacrifice krit-cpus or proto-wall-cpus but some players are better of using aimbot-cpus.

If someone stealths, it is their own problem (long range frigates).


Engineers even have 2 weapons with aimbots (they are called drones) and they fit into balance.

It is nearly impossible to balance such a module if you can use it in combination with lasers. A1MA was once a active module with aimbot functionality and in combination with lasers you just roast every interceptor, even if you dps would be halfed. The balance relies on the fact that Intys are harder to hit (even from drones) and such a module would negate it.


The classic engine drones don’t shoot if the shield is below 50% and the ‘missile’ drones can be quickly destroyed.

Aimbots dont really help in this game because you only deal 100% damage to the front and they dont trigger god mode, you still die without being a threat in the game. To my knowledge only one person was banned for aimbotting and even that is somewhat 50/50 true/false. A1MA is a cool mod to deal with the blindspot in guards for instance but thats about it when talking about aimbots.

28 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Aimbots dont really help in this game


I guess that’s why they left aima in the game without any changes… oh wait actually its completely broken and makes a huge difference. Because of how broken it is with lasers we can be pretty sure nobody is running around with an aimbot; if someone was using one it would be easy to notice.

50 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Aimbots dont really help in this game because you only deal 100% damage to the front and they dont trigger god mode, you still die without being a threat in the game. To my knowledge only one person was banned for aimbotting and even that is somewhat 50/50 true/false. A1MA is a cool mod to deal with the blindspot in guards for instance but thats about it when talking about aimbots.

We need an aim bot on a Vigilant

edit: quoted the wrong guy. [@avarshina](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257814-avarshina/) this was meant for you ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Watch this video instead: 



Do you see that microstutter when he lead almost everytime on the right leading path following the marker?

I was an half decent aim dude, I have no problem to tell you that this is not possibly made by human hands.

That micro movement when he lead, is always on the right path. that’s bs. You can’t achieve that even afther thousands of hours, doesn’t matter your dpi settings. The consistency of the ability to follow the “right leading path” while micro-stuttering is just pure bs.

This is not legit 100%.

Try to compare videos from legit good aim guys like cr0 or Vovelifhwusgshe if he has any. You can see that the consistency of leading over the right path doesn’t follow thay micro-stutter behave. This guy deserved what he got.