"Aim assistance"



After several tests, in pvp and in custom battles, We could see that the function “Aim assistance”, enabled in the options menu “Game” -> “Aim assistance”, not work for me and for “Sonic89”.


“Aim assistance”: Shooting inside the “target movement prediction marker” of a “locked target” the game allows the weapon to hit the center of the enemy ship.


It is evident that this function is active to other players because when they use a laser it points perfectly to the center of the enemy ship and we can notice an unnatural laser movement when the enemy mouse enters and exits from the “target movement prediction marker”. It can also be noted that the laser follows perfectly the center of the enemy ship even if it is in a frenetic movement.


Then is evident that the laser of these players behaves similarly to an aim-bot.


I’m not talking about bot’s ships, but only of real players.


So I request a verification of the function “Aim assistance”.


I’d like to know if this feature has been disabled for some players only or is disabled for everyone.

  • If it is disabled for all I can say with certainty (through video) that many laser fun use an aim-bot.
  • If it is disabled for some I think that it is unfair.


Thanks for your attention, best regards from ItalianBadBoy[IT4LY].

2 hours ago, ITalianBadBoy said:

I’m not talking about bot’s ships, but only of real players.

But how do you know?


“I’d like to know if this feature has been disabled for some players only or is disabled for everyone.”

Its a setting in the game that can be turned off and on. It is difficult to see the effects of it sometimes, but if it is on, it is working.


2 hours ago, ITalianBadBoy said:

It is evident that this function is active to other players because when they use a laser it points perfectly to the center of the enemy ship and we can notice an unnatural laser movement when the enemy mouse enters and exits from the “target movement prediction marker”. It can also be noted that the laser follows perfectly the center of the enemy ship even if it is in a frenetic movement.

Lasers do not track targets with aim assistance. Only some Elly engineer laser does that and I think it only tracks allies.

Often the client side of the game will show the laser in strange places even though in reality it is moving around a lot.


Any projectile weapon will utilize the aim assist, and adjust the turrets to face the center of the target marker. Though if the target is moving around, the shots may miss even though they were perfectly aimed.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Often the client side of the game will show the laser in strange places even though in reality it is moving around a lot.

IMHO it moves around because if you aim in 3d space, your shot is dependant on what the server says you shot at, or what was hit by raycasting. your shot aims at coordinates in the map. this is ping dependent.


while if you target the 2D aiming reticule on your hud, the weapon gets focused on an object, rather than a coordinate. it is basicly a small 2d layer on top of the game. this is ping independent, as instead of submitting “I hit at x, y, z” you transmit “I hit object a” - and the server can insert x,y,z at any time.


since aim assistance is dependant on HUD elements, not the 3d engine, i only might inquire what you use as hud settings, badboy.

of course this is theory based on how i would solve it technically, could be that i am wrong and SC does it differently. but i doubt that, as others have said similar, and it also speaks for the “jumping shot” you can observe sometimes with positrons, if your target uses a displacement ability.


I agree that it would be unfair to take it away from players, but I also doubt they do that. But hell.

Best way to see whether or not the aim assist is working is by using either the Frontal Blaster or the Geyser, if the reticle snaps to the lead marker, then it works, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t, lasers always act weird to other people, you can’t quite replicate every jitter or jerking motion someone has with complete fidelity, and it’s just that some people have a more steady hand than others, there is no such thing as an aimbot in here, it’s just that people don’t know how to dodge things.

17 hours ago, ITalianBadBoy said:

not work for me and for “Sonic89”.

I don’t understand why you think that. Please describe more detail.

14 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

I don’t understand why you think that. Please describe more detail.


When We shoot inside the “target movement prediction marker” of a “locked target” the shot isn’t directed, by the game, in the center of the ship.


For example in the “Conquest” battles when we shot with the “Special Module: Disintegrator” at the “Torpedo”, launched by the enemy Dreadnought, it isn’t always hit even if we are looking inside the target movement prediction marker. In this case, aim inside the “target movement prediction marker” it isn’t enough. To be able to hit the torpedo we must aim at the center of the “target movement prediction marker”.

An year ago, or two, it was enough to aim within and not necessarily at the center.



On 2/3/2019 at 4:17 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

But how do you know?


The bots have recognizable movements.

For example: when they are dying they turn towards their spawn and do the typical evasive maneuvering roll + strafe with a continuous and uniform movement.

For example: if you don’t shoot them while they are aiming for a goal, they go on “straight for straight” and if you shoot him while they are in this situation they turn towards you doing the typical movements roll + strafe and later if they do not receive damage they continue with the “straight for straight” towards the enemy who shot him.


To recognize a bot you do not have to read the name but the movements. I am a programmer so I recognize a procedure and a function after years that I see her practicing XD…



On 2/3/2019 at 5:30 PM, g4borg said:

i only might inquire what you use as hud settings, badboy.





Auto aim is eneble for guns with projectiles like to assault railgun. Special modules, beam weapon isn’t is auto aim weapon.