I used to break with afterburners. I pressed Move Backwards and Afterburners and the ship used its afterburners as breaks. The afterburners worked in both directions. I could speed up, or slow down with afterburburners. But, now I can only speed up. The afterburners do not work as they worked. This is very inconvenient. I always knock at asteroids. I cannot break; I don’t like it.
It happened after the last big update, about some days ago.
Should a report A BUG or is this some bad joke? I breaked fast, and now I feel like a disabled person. ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)
P.S. Those of you who help me will get +1 to their ratings.
It is still the same, with the small difference the afterburners do no longer light up. But you are still faster with shift. Try it out when you are in open space: first you fly backwards without pressing shift (or whatever your hotkey for afterburner is), then you fly backwards with pressing shift you will see with shift you are faster. I think they just removed the animation because it is nonsense that a ship flyes faster backwards when thrusters pointing backwards are enabled.
it is nonsense that a ship flyes faster backwards when thrusters pointing backwards are enabled.
Do you know about such thing as feedback? For example, you shoot at your enemy and you you gear the sound of them getting damage. You like it, right? This way you know you are doing it right. Or, you knock at asteroids and you hear the sound of your hull knocking at the stone. Those sounds are for feedback.
Consider your brain a computer, and algorythms. If you do a > b > с.
But, without any feeddback, how do you know if you have done anything?
I pay a lot of attention to sound. When I speed up, and then break, I cannot hear the sound of breaking. For me this means I have not breaked, and I keep breaking. This is annoying!!! Especially in Open Space when I fly into asteroids while using my Invisibility Cloak. The Hunters and Predators then see and kill me.
I need this sound back.
PS Also, it does not feel like any afterburners work in the way you described. Perhaps, their power was lessened.
This is annoying again. Perhaps, some people listen to MUSIC while flying, but I LISTEN to the sound of the GAME.
I reported this bug on the Facebook page. ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”) This ‘improvement’ ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”).
I asked about this bug in another discussion: [https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/32197-star-conflict-140-evolution-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=386294](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/32197-star-conflict-140-evolution-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=386294)
Really? Why not just leave it as it is? Are they changing the sound completely? Can they simply roll back the change and get back the Backwards Afterburners sound as it was? I mean, it was a good sound, nice sound. Why not put it back? Isn’t it easy?
Really? Why not just leave it as it is? Are they changing the sound completely? Can they simply roll back the change and get back the Backwards Afterburners sound as it was? I mean, it was a good sound, nice sound. Why not put it back? Isn’t it easy?
well… if you see the engines thrust going backwards, the ships has to go forwards… it was RE-TAR-DED to see afterburners turn on when going reverse… XD
We will add new effects and sound for strafing soon, and it will all be even better then before ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)
well… if you see the engines thrust going backwards, the ships has to go forwards… it was RE-TAR-DED to see afterburners turn on when going reverse… XD
Now look here. What do you call these things? I would like them to sound louder, because now I can hardly hear them. I hope they will get louder.
We will add new effects and sound for strafing soon, and it will all be even better then before ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)
hello. Cinnamon. This is the third time your team talks about STRAFING.
You said ’ We just removed effects of afterburners when strafing. Nothing else was changed there’. BUT, there was onother MAJOR change. You removed the sound of going backwards when using afterburners. Can you try it yourself, please?
I mean not strafing, but GOING BACKWARDS with Afterburners.
When you pressed a combination of keys - Move backwards+Afterburners = they sounded loud and that was great!
Let usm please, talk NOT about STRAFING. As far as I understand, STRAFING is moving from SIDE to SIDE, but I meant moving BACKWARDS. Before this Evolution update backward thrusters were loud and fine! Really fine and great!
Could it be possible to make this sound LOUDER? Like, not just pshh-pshh, but PSHH-PSHHH?
I understand your team must be super-busy, but they can just PUT the SOUND BACK. Return this sound.
You are talking about strafing, but I mean going BACKwards. Will the sound return? Please ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”) ![:005:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005.png “:005:”)
well… if you see the engines thrust going backwards, the ships has to go forwards… it was RE-TAR-DED to see afterburners turn on when going reverse… XD
How do you the principles of the engines going to work 4 thousand years later in another galaxy? Maybe they work as a vacuum cleaner, sucking the ‘air’ IN and giving the required thrust?
strafing to the sides and going backwards is considered the same in the game due to same / simillar principle.
For example - if you go max afterburners forward and start strafing to sides, you will lose max speed so you wouldn’t go faster than max speed, but if you reverse and strafe to the sides, you reverse faster than the max speed of reverse engines.
Another thing - why are you so bothered by such cosmetics? There are other things to be fixed yet. For example, the Icon of Tormentor ships uses the crusader ship icon in PvP Tab menu
We will add new effects and sound for strafing soon, and it will all be even better then before ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)
Could you make it as least as good as it was? ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)
which does not mean a louder sound is unnecessary.
do you know how cars that reverse work? basically, you can reverse very fast (almost as fast as max speed), that is why its quite dangerous, and it gets really loud as there is only one level in the gearbox for reversing - causing the engine to go rapidly fast and loud.
little bit of theory, now please don’t kill me for it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)