Afterburner error

I’m Currently using a Rank 7 Templar S, However whenever i press forward(W) it activates the afterburners, I dont have sticky keys enabled.

This is on WIndows 10.

I die alot because of this dumb thing.


Side note: Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I didnt see where else this would fit.

Do you have afterburner always enabled in options?

Check options, i believe there is an option that automatically enables AfterBurners for you.

Yes it’s the “auto-afterburners” check box in settings. Tbh it should always default to “off” because it does way more harm than good in combat.



I hope that message was clear enough.

The thing is I think some new people forget that there are afterburners :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s because Z enable auto afterburners. Why does such a shortcut exist anyway?

It’s as disturbing as when you press Shift + Alt  simultaneously therefore changing the Keyboard’s language. Because it mess your controls. 

Instead of a button to enable/disable toggle afterburner,  do a toggle afterburner button. 

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

It’s because Z enable auto afterburners. Why does such a shortcut exist anyway?

It’s as disturbing as when you press Shift + Alt  simultaneously therefore changing the Keyboard’s language. Because it mess your controls. 

Instead of a button to enable/disable toggle afterburner,  do a toggle afterburner button. 

I use it when i travel in OS: set max speed+AB, aim at the next warp gate and wait ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) Then i switch AB off once im about to engage in battle. I also leave AB on when i look for mysterious containers.

EDIT: isnt toggle the same?

Thank you all who replied, Z button was the problem and its one stupid design flaw, one of many in this game. 

I just unbind it every time I get on a new computer or have my keybonds reset. It’s completely pointless in terms of combat.

1 hour ago, BlueShadowBullet said:

Thank you all who replied, Z button was the problem and its one stupid design flaw, one of many in this game. 

This is one of the reasons why i always check controls (keybindings) first before playing. It also tells you what are your interaction capabilities, so you avoid a lot the next sentence: “i didnt know i could do this”.