After seeing this music vid, The only conclusion was Space Wobble.

High Ping Servers and their Space Wobble.


Wobble Content from :




Rennie Ash

Zumerang 47


Our T3 Tournament Cup match against NOVA was priceless! (US server - 150 ping for me)

Servers got crazy… slowdowns, teleport spikes and resetting countdowns at least 3 times from 00:30 seconds to 00:00, then we were stuck.

Contracts were awarded after 2 minutes and the match failed, but it still counted in the end.



Here is the trailer for the Star Conflict Servers ;p



At first I read your post wrong.  “Servers” I  have the fix. rm -rf /.

(Yes I know most unix operating systems have protection from this now a days.)

If there were options other than “one or all” for choosing allowed server region, things would be less problematic.



At first I read your post wrong.  “Servers” I  have the fix. rm -rf /.

(Yes I know most unix operating systems have protection from this now a days.)

Actually we’ve been seeing some odd issues on the US servers.


I’m US player. Sunday it didn’t show our 2-1-0 points until the end of the tournament for example. It showed us as having won 0 matches until the end of the tournament.

Actually we’ve been seeing some odd issues on the US servers.


I’m US player. Sunday it didn’t show our 2-1-0 points until the end of the tournament for example. It showed us as having won 0 matches until the end of the tournament.

This issue occured on US server. What is even more strange, is why 2 Russian corps would get on US server, if there are both from Russia?

We played before on RU server.

I am sure there was plenty of room there.

Dem dance moves doh.


But yeah, pretty much sums up Star Conflict…

was crazy laggy today during sec con. everyone on my team was rubberbanding

Now I have lag even in Invasion for quite a few days, even on EU and RU server. My connection is fine, btw.

Sometimes my ship just teleports. or when I am tring to press O, to fill out my fuel tank, it won’t work, since it is some kind of lag, but it’s not detectable with F11.

This is really annoying, especially when you aim and fire, since sometimes it won’t work it it will just mess up your shot.

I’ll have to wait, until this gets fixed.


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