after playing for 5minutes PC restarts.

(forgive me for my bad english, it’s not my first language) i always played star conflict on my laptop which was bad (core i3 processor, family HD graphics card and 4gb RAM) but the game always did it on lowest settings.

i now got a desktop which is still not the best but i can’t play the game at all for more then 5 minutes and yes also on lowest settings. while i run other games (which run more hot and heavily) just fine on higher settings (like War Thunder)… (specs: motherboard- ASrock 970 Extreme3 R2.0, processor- AMD Phenom 2 x4 955, graphicscard- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770, RAM- 8GB)


so after 5 minutes in-game the game closes and my PC shuts off and on again as if nothing has happend and only with star conflict… but because of that i don’t have any error report… i saw that more people had this issue with the Steam version. i’m not using that version tho. really hope you guys can help me because i want to buy enough crates for my suppressor destroyer class but i can’t as long as i can’t play the game…

You might wanna log temperatures, sounds like your system running to hot.

2 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

You might wanna log temperatures, sounds like your system running to hot.

obviously not. as i stated before: " while i run other games (which run more hot and heavily) just fine on higher settings (like War Thunder)… " it also uses more CPU and RAM then star conflict does. it really is only this game and temprature never goes as high as 50… other games go higher without restarting my pc…

59 minutes ago, Supahfunv1 said:

obviously not. as i stated before: " while i run other games (which run more hot and heavily) just fine on higher settings (like War Thunder)… " it also uses more CPU and RAM then star conflict does. it really is only this game and temprature never goes as high as 50… other games go higher without restarting my pc…

I dont see how this is “obviously” what you described are the symptoms of the hardware failure, yet you did not provide any logs or diagnostics statong otherwise, be it a game logs or your temperatures capture or anything of that sorts.

Things like this are 99% user side.

game logs needed


i don’t know anything about pc’s all i know is is that a friend told me to have hardware monitor so you can check temps and some other stuff. tempratures never go above 50 with star conflict but its the only game that does this. i have paid alot of money and so i wish to make use of that/those in-game content.

3 hours ago, Supahfunv1 said:

i don’t know anything about pc’s all i know is is that a friend told me to have hardware monitor so you can check temps and some other stuff. tempratures never go above 50 with star conflict but its the only game that does this. i have paid alot of money and so i wish to make use of that/those in-game content.



Nice information.