Adding Ability to Build Your Regular Ships

I think it would be very nice to have a system that allows you to build your regular ships to the way you like it. This way you don’t need to get to R15 to build your favorite configuration. Plus, it would help a LOT in buffing standard ships against gargoyle, dart, alien ships etc etc since they all can be built from scratch.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

  1. Player gets to choose three ships of any tier, per faction, that allows the capability of building the ship. Once he chooses his 3 ships, no other (regular) ships can be built besides those three. Ranks 7-15.

  2. Once the ship gets building qualifications, the ship automatically has an  additional synergy unit  added. So say you have R8 and 8 synergy levels, now that ship has 9 synergy levels. The extra synergy unit needs a LOT more synergy to level up than the previous one. But if you’ve already got 1-10 million extra synergy on that ship, you can use that on the extra synergy unit.

  3. Once spaded, you can rebuild the ship with credits. No need for ANY fancy parts, since this is a regular ship. Just need credits.

  4. This would only work on ranks 7-15. But the only exceptions would be Ghost and Kite-E.

What do you think?

-1, Leave the old ships as they are. No need to make things more complicated and make more OP builds when the devs can finally realize they need to just nerf the hell out of the new broken ships they keep bringing into the game…








Anyone wanna ride on my disco styx? xd ahahah

This change would make sp ships deff obsolete but in any case i think it’s not a good idea, yet. Maybe in the future but not now.

no. Developers would implement another assignment system which would force players to play even more star conflict, that is the last thing this game needs. If it becomes too much of a grind, people will simply leave.

5 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

no. Developers would implement another assignment system which would force players to play even more star conflict, that is the last thing this game needs. If it becomes too much of a grind, people will simply leave.

… grind is the same – SC-players just have more freedom of choice what ships they like!!!

2 minutes ago, avarshina said:

… grind is the same – player just have more free choice what ships they like!!!

so basically Thar’Ga style all the ships, by removing all theri weaknesses, because that is what all the players would do, yeah why not make a survival mode out of any mode out there.

are you saying you don’t care for the game anymore?


I remember when it took skill to kill players in dogfights, now most of the ships get 1shot with tharga or positron 6km away. Now there is almsot no point of going for the regular ships. Just tierrush to the top for crews and sps and grind on prems which have bonuses for synergy and credits and buy the rest with synergy and credits and never fly them… I guess thats what this game is about now.

Crazy; I was just looking at my Styx yesterday thinking it would be cool to make some custom stuff for this beast… The color schemes and design are really lacking and I was Styx to be MINE ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

3 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

game is about earnin $$ for devs, m8. in one of the worst models i’ve seen ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

exactly what I said bout a month ago, it only makes money for the developers to work on war thunder. Star conflict is only the major money-maker. Though had potential.

9 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

exactly what I said bout a month ago, it only makes money for the developers to work on war thunder. Star conflict is only the major money-maker. Though had potential.

Your statement summarized everything that has happened in the last 5 years in one simple sentence! It used to be a good game.

I think that (S)Targem developers actually care, or used to care, problem is that the Publisher don’t give a damn about it.

They are the milk machines and we are their milk cows. However, I refuse to get a mad cow disease, so I step down.

24 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

game is about earnin $$ for devs, m8. in one of the worst models i’ve seen ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

I am happy that we still got good brains on this forum!  ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)

24 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

…  it only makes money for the developers to work on war thunder. Star conflict is only the major money-maker…

That is bias/prejudice… how would you know???

At least there is enough money that the developers, designers and other peolpe get paid and this game is not completely shut down … without warning


P.S,: My perspective is: SC is the only game I play on Linux and I am happy to have at least one game for Linux with space pew pew pew pew …

1 hour ago, avarshina said:

That is bias/prejudice… how would you know???

At least there is enough money that the developers, designers and other peolpe get paid and this game is not completely shut down … without warning

P.S,: My perspective is: SC is the only game I play on Linux and I am happy to have at least one game for Linux with space pew pew pew pew …

I asked a Shaman myself. I agree with this. It’s actually worse than you think.

18 hours ago, avarshina said:

That is bias/prejudice… how would you know???

At least there is enough money that the developers, designers and other peolpe get paid and this game is not completely shut down … without warning


P.S,: My perspective is: SC is the only game I play on Linux and I am happy to have at least one game for Linux with space pew pew pew pew …

sorry m8, but I’m sure for real that about 60% of the sc revenue goes to sponsoring war thunder and (probably) other games like crossout, though that game kinda fell into the shadows when youtubers stopped making viral/sponsorship/lp videos on such topic. War Thunder, however, has a huge playerbase, so basically its like titanfall 2 : cs:go ratio.

I’m afraid (though not sure) this game has more non-free stuff (or the “payable” which decreases the grind drasticaly) than other gaijin games and probably top 10 highest of all the F2Ps. (S)Targem would do better (imho) on its own, without gaijin.

At least for a Brokk ship… or Maybe make it have a special drones abilities like Styx Rank 9 Engi ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”). Just throwing my 2 cents here… 

The more I think abou this the more it keeps punching me in the face - the whole “make your own custom setup” is the thing that ruined sc, agree or not, that is my opinion.

I understand it as a scale, before, it was quite small, you had two small and one big factor, skill factor that could go big if you have flown enough, implant factor, quite small and setup factor, which was always big, but making that customizable - you enlarged the factor 2-3 times, now you can even customize your own bonuses you will get with higher ship level…

everyone has to understand that balancing a set ship with a number of slots that can’t be customized is a lot easier than balancing a ship that can have numerous number of each kind of slots. And you can’t just nerf a module, make people use another one, because it would affect the non prem non custom ships too!

20 hours ago, CommandosGrozny said:

… or Maybe make it have a special drones abilities like Styx Rank 9 Engi ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)… 

The 2 Phoenix drones are much better … and better effectiveness per grind …


[Phoenix with 3 Phoenix drones and 2 missile slot attack drones.]