Add Realistic Game-Modes. (1 ship = 1 life) (If Possible, Create A Realistic Game-Mode Queue Separate From The Arcade Queue)

For instance, like the mode capture the beacons, I would like a game mode where each ship you bring can only die once before becoming unvailable.

Please make multiple game-modes with this as a feature. 

Make an additional game-mode where pilots will only be able to bring one ship out of their 4 slots at the start of the game and that will be their ship for the game, and if they die once, they’re dead. 

making this an entire queue will ensure that pilots who really want this will get it, while arcade pilots will still get their queue. 

More modes will make the game type much more popular. 

It’s very enjoyable. 

Make it available from the start of the game starting in rank 5. 

+1, have you ever done that thing where you start a custom mode with some bots, select capture the beacon mode, and only use one ship, and then you don’t focus on the beacons, you just eradicate the whole enemy team?


Idk… i’ve always hated the “no respawn” mechanic and it’s already there in league



keep the chain going :Đ

Leagues, while it has good intentions, limits the ability of regular pilots to become familiar with and come to like these game-modes. 

Leagues should still be there for well organized squad play, but as a base we need a realistic queue much like the arcade queue. 24/7. 

Realistic queues will only come to find its true crowd size by giving players constant ability to access such modes even when alone.

I think unlimited respawn is more fun. Well, opinions diverge.

42 minutes ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

Realistic queues will only come to find its true crowd size by giving players constant ability to access such modes even when alone.


it did not do that before, why would it do that now?

22 hours ago, xKostyan said:

it did not do that before, why would it do that now?

they only had that separate queue out for a short time, and it was in the early stages of the game to boot. 

that queue only had one game mode. they’ve yet to make a single one like it. 

players like options, they like multiple game-types, some people may like the concept of one life, but dislike the beacon capture aspect, and so on. 

they need variety to get accurate numbers on who likes what. 

I personally like the realistic type modes so much more than the arcade variant.

They will gain more players that like different things into this game. 


3 hours ago, WolfKhanGeneral said:

they only had that separate queue out for a short time, and it was in the early stages of the game to boot. 

that queue only had one game mode. they’ve yet to make a single one like it. 

players like options, they like multiple game-types, some people may like the concept of one life, but dislike the beacon capture aspect, and so on. 

they need variety to get accurate numbers on who likes what. 

I personally like the realistic type modes so much more than the arcade variant.

They will gain more players that like different things into this game. 



they had a separate realistic queue for long enough.

All other game modes would be absolutely xxxx to play with 1 life, except for Team Battle, where there is even less balanced than in Beacon modes.

You like it - play leagues, surely it wouldn’t be so hard to find players that love realistic, and as you suggested in other thread 8 wings vs randoms, to find players for league mode, cause as you claim there are so many people so eager to play in such conditions.


Release masochist restrictions 3, 2, 1.

Approval of situation A recognized. 

Commencing The Cromwell Invocation

Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy is rendered silent. 

Gamers are masochists. Those who play a game for the challenge, are the lifeblood of what gamers are.  

That would be really nice if people actually would have to think about what ships they are bringing, how they are playing their ships and not just doing mindless 1 o 1 trades.

+1 for the idea

+2 for the wolf girls

+3 for the Hellsing reference





I’m a simple man, i see Hellsing, i upvote.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I’m a simple man, i see Hellsing, i upvote.


I see we have a man of class here.

4 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:


I see we have a man of class here.

