Add Mark V weapon variants in warehouse section (orange)

So, far we have Tiers, that are sorted from mark I (white), mark II (gree), mark III (blue), (mark IV) purple.


It’s very simple, I want Armory/Warehouse to have an option for 5th technological update, mark V (orange).

It’s supposed to be the best of the top upgrades.

Alien infused tech!



Also, ADD ALL the missing equipment, modules and weapons and blueprints in the store/workshop.


WE need THEM!


I want fully upgraded Tier 3 mark V, Tier 4 mark V, Tier 5 mark V ships in my hangar.




Purple will not win, but Orange will!

Not the fruit, but the color of my will!



Mark V for all the equipment in Star Conflict from T3-5, rank 7-15. or from Tier 1-5, rank 1-15.


Please, support this!

Vote it up!






Also, we need more common way to get monocrystals first, or some sort of device, which allows you to craft monocrystals without the use of monocrystals.

Come with the better idea, how to get those yellow gallstones aka MonoCrystals 10 times faster than it is now!


I hope it won’t take multiple generations or reincarnations, just to complete mark V collection.


Warning: Infused with humor.


Sincerely, Koromac

I want I want I want. Well search for the blueprints in Invasion? Doesn’t it work that way? Is alien tech, why would people have it in the Armory? You gotta leave the hangar and search it.

But leaving the hangar and searching is crap and boring. I typically get bored of Invasion halfway to my first mission, so the idea of spending hours looking for this magical blueprint which probably won’t even be the one I want is seriously unappealing.

Compare that to PvP, where I queue for a minute or less, have a fun battle, then loot some iridium. Repeat for a few games and I get my Mk IV item. Quick, simple, fun.

You can also get blueprints in loot stage after winning a game. I just found one though, in a PvE daily. But it was a Tier 5 aiming overcharge one, so it’s good for me.

You can also get blueprints in loot stage after winning a game. I just found one though, in a PvE daily. But it was a Tier 5 aiming overcharge one, so it’s good for me.


I got some rare blueprints, but I already got them in my warehouse. I do not like, what the game gives me, because I already have that.

It’s far from perfect and Invasion mode is really not worth playing, especially, if you’re + karma pilot. I just do daily mono crystal missions. If nothing else, pilots with a license should get us 5 crystals instead of 3.

Regular pilots without a license would get 3.

Trading system or not, but if nothing changes, it will have to be implemented.