Yeah. Stacking 3 persistent (more or less with Valk) energy eaters with the energy eating Role ability.
Its obvious we’re meant to be managing our energy which is a good concept.
In T1 and T2 there are not a lot of alternatives, though, and it just seems like a trap for players who don’t know how deep those mechanics are.
I’m sure Diffusion Shield gets really interesting when you throw in a bunch of Implants and energy upgrades in higher Tiers.
Its not there in the lower Tiers, unfortunately.
Which isn’t a hassle but if someone picks Command early in their play experience we may not see them again.
I’ve had games where I think “Hell Yeah! I love my basic Machete missile boat, ponderously sneaking up, scaring Frigates with salvos of doom and then scrambling to stay alive if Chameleon isn’t back up” or “Man I just love hammering peeps with my Deimos 2 Gunship, I can move just fast enough when I need to get out of trouble”.
At the moment the Command experience is “I sure hope these buffs are helping someone because I am a brick floating in space”. Its amazing how a tiny drop in speed means you are not there to get things done.
It would be lovely to see Command with Engine Overdrive or something similiar.
Just some variety in modules would help a lot.
I used to run my Deimos 2 back when it was a Command ship in the previous patch and love it, if only for ease of Contract completion from assists. Since the 50% range boost moved to Jericho it just feels like I can’t do much.
Here’s an idea:
Its kind of cool that it helps to watch the map and kick off Valkyrie when its needed…
…but with only one module doing that watching the map would be wasted.
What about higher strength versions of the three buff mods that are activated by key press, not always on?
If you combined this with Efficiency credit for, say, an ally getting the survive on 15% medals while under the buff’s effects you could make Command ships focus on situational awareness.
They’d have an eye on the map, know when to ping the new Beacon for team mates.
It would be like Command ships…are commanding!