Active "Valkyrie" Module is terrible, please change back to passive.

Also, ship bonuses are so inconsistent it blows my xxxx mind.


Machete command ship gets 50% bonus to range (100% was much more comfortable - old deimos 2)

Hercules Arrow gets nothing


Hydra 2 gets 20% reduction in energy cost to engineer modules & a 10% bonus to MWD

Alligator-M gets nothing





There are plenty of other inconsistent role bonuses, Hire me? or something not sure how you justify the role bonuses not being universal.

I’d have to agree with the Valk going to active, it really doesn’t make any sense.  Why would that module be any different from the other buffers?  I can see it now –


“Captain!  We have a problem with the Valkyrie Module!”


“What the hell is it!?”


“Ensign Buxomblonde broke a nail and she CAN"T KEEP PRESSING THE BUTTON!”


“Abandon Ship!”



I’d have to agree with the Valk going to active, it really doesn’t make any sense.  Why would that module be any different from the other buffers?  I can see it now –


“Captain!  We have a problem with the Valkyrie Module!”


“What the hell is it!?”


“Ensign Buxomblonde broke a nail and she CAN"T KEEP PRESSING THE BUTTON!”


“Abandon Ship!”




I’d have to agree with the Valk going to active, it really doesn’t make any sense.  Why would that module be any different from the other buffers?  I can see it now –


“Captain!  We have a problem with the Valkyrie Module!”


“What the hell is it!?”


“Ensign Buxomblonde broke a nail and she CAN"T KEEP PRESSING THE BUTTON!”


“Abandon Ship!”




Eh…it’s basically just an Orion Targetting Module but it buffs everyone in a radius instead of just your ship.

Eh…it’s basically just an Orion Targetting Module but it buffs everyone in a radius instead of just your ship.


which makes an already weak command ship even weaker in terms of team-presence.


The way they define command ships is “Spearhead of the fleet” they should be something the enemy team either takes out quickly, or suffers for letting exist. instead they are just providing mediocre buffs (~12% more survivability, 20% damage for 8 seconds every minute?)

Do devs even test the patches before release? I 100% agree about how useless the Valk module is now. It’s like the devs think that when you activate the module, you will DEFINITELY have the chance to burst someone (down) in those 8 seconds, because the target, of course, WON`T dodge.


Might as well turn ALL of the command fighter modules into actives while they’re at it.



command fighters are already the sh*ttiest of them, they can’t do anythign good, both tacklers and gunships have a myriad of cool mods to chose from, and they have actually useful abilities (not to mention gunships awesomeness), while command have 3 mods to chose from (armor, shield, damage).

Valkyre was the ONLY thing that made commands worth flying, so this is just terrible.


please give us old valkyre back

Yeah, we only have 3 Command Modules… Increased Shield/Hull Resistance and Valkyrie.


Please revert this change :3


Do you people think before posting anything or are you just in such lowbie games? If one person had the old one with the command buff at 100% range for 8k you can pretty much give everyone a buff for 16% more damage. With this one its more balanced that you have to chose when to use it when going on a high priority target.

Do you people think before posting anything or are you just in such lowbie games? If one person had the old one with the command buff at 100% range for 8k you can pretty much give everyone a buff for 16% more damage. With this one its more balanced that you have to chose when to use it when going on a high priority target.


You realize what you want beats the whole purpose of having a command ship role at all…

Valkyrie is fine. It forces Command ships to be more towards the front, look at how the battle is going and use it at important time in order to tip the favour for the team, instead of previous ‘let’s just sit behind asteroid near spawn and afk or something’. That’s why there’s Diffusion shield so you can survive if some enemy focuses on you but you should have friendly frigates near you anyway. Maybe the duration should be increased more.

I agree Valkyrie is fine as it is now, maybe a shorter cooldown if anything. I’d actually prefer more command ship buffs to be like this. Let the engineering frigates sit behind a rock and give passive buffs, while the command fighters fly in the thick of it and give stronger buffs when they see it’s just the right time.

Do you people think before posting anything or are you just in such lowbie games? If one person had the old one with the command buff at 100% range for 8k you can pretty much give everyone a buff for 16% more damage. With this one its more balanced that you have to chose when to use it when going on a high priority target.

hoooly crap you’re thick… how do you breathe alone, unattended? maybe go back to tetris…


to other ppl… valk had radius of cca 4km. hardly a ‘sniping’ range. commands had to be right on the first lines to be able to boost his mates, both in defending and pushing forward.

and before you jump at me, they removed all the 100% range bonuses, so nerfing valk was waaaay over the top.

atm there’s absolutely no reason to fly a command. unless you’re like me, suck and knee deep in jericho fighter tree…

The Valkyrie system is not the problem.  

Its he general boringness of playing Command ships at the moment.  


I’m kind of happy my Deimos 2 went to being a Gunship.  

Its a straight forward play style but it works.   


I don’t play Command ships anymore even though I used to have my Deimos 2 decked out with all the current Command modules.  

I think the main thing is lack of flexibility and speed.  

I’m just never where I need to be, even a Gunship can overload engines or use its class ability.  

I’m sure the Diffusion Shield is great but dying slower…not really what I play for and I seem to tank better with Empire Fighters and their hull resists.  


Do love Tacklers, too.  The Machete is a masterpiece of interesting sneaky playstyles which is fun even if I get smashed alot.  


It doesn’t feel like there is much to do in a Command ship atm.  

Making buffs active is a good direction but they need something more.  


Maybe its just Jericho Fighters being generally weak.  

I have fun games in my Machete but its the stealth and massive missiles that do the work, so slow in a dogfight I die pretty quick.  

The Jericho Command ships feel like that without the stealth and fun.  No good having great shields if you can’t break LoS with anything but a Frigate.  They have the time to chew through the shields.  

I don’t like the diffusion shield, It keeps me from using my 3 command modules consistently, give back phase shield and let it effect hull resists as well.

Yeah.  Stacking 3 persistent (more or less with Valk) energy eaters with the energy eating Role ability.  


Its obvious we’re meant to be managing our energy which is a good concept.  


In T1 and T2 there are not a lot of alternatives, though, and it just seems like a trap for players who don’t know how deep those mechanics are.  


I’m sure Diffusion Shield gets really interesting when you throw in a bunch of Implants and energy upgrades in higher Tiers.  


Its not there in the lower Tiers, unfortunately. 

Which isn’t a hassle but if someone picks Command early in their play experience we may not see them again.  


I’ve had games where I think “Hell Yeah! I love my basic Machete missile boat, ponderously sneaking up, scaring Frigates with salvos of doom and then scrambling to stay alive if Chameleon isn’t back up” or “Man I just love hammering peeps with my Deimos 2 Gunship, I can move just fast enough when I need to get out of trouble”.  


At the moment the Command experience is “I sure hope these buffs are helping someone because I am a brick floating in space”.  Its amazing how a tiny drop in speed means you are not there to get things done.  


It would be lovely to see Command with Engine Overdrive or something similiar.  

Just some variety in modules would help a lot.  


I used to run my Deimos 2 back when it was a Command ship in the previous patch and love it, if only for ease of Contract completion from assists.  Since the 50% range boost moved to Jericho it just feels like I can’t do much.  


Here’s an idea:

Its kind of cool that it helps to watch the map and kick off Valkyrie when its needed…

…but with only one module doing that watching the map would be wasted.  

What about higher strength versions of the three buff mods that are activated by key press, not always on?

If you combined this with Efficiency credit for, say, an ally getting the survive on 15% medals while under the buff’s effects you could make Command ships focus on situational awareness.  

They’d have an eye on the map, know when to ping the new Beacon for team mates.  

It would be like Command ships…are commanding! :slight_smile: