Achievements lost

I lost a lot of my achievements, which I want back. I just played a battle a few minutes ago and within I got a lot of popups for new achievement I got years ago. As example I made a screenshot of my title juggernaut and the achievement you need to get it, which I don´t have anymore.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask.

[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=17077)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=17078)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=17079)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=17080)



Please, make and post screenshots with all your achievements. Also, attach logs from game session where you will done this screenshots.

Now I can see that you have got Jaggernaut achuevement:  d95502322444caf0b648b10b3479.png


I think that sometimes by some reasons your game client can’t recieve some achievement’s data. Internet is internet.

I compared your achievements lists from your screenshots and from our database. I didn’t find any differents.

Did you get the messages I wrote to the support? The next day most of my achievements were restored but “Triumpf”, “Ace”, “Fire and Forget”, “Devastator” and the ones that comes after each are still missing. Not really worth mentioning since I can gain them easily over time but I thought you may can fix the problem with your client, server or whatever causes it. You could check my steam account to see which of the older one I had and when I got them.


Also, of course my screenshots shows only the ones from your database and not all I had before since I took them after they were gone…

Please, recheck achievements also

Nothing changed except I achieved Ace and Triumph.

Well… please make full list of lost achievements

You want a full list of achievements I lost? Everything.

After most were restored or regained:  “Fire and Forget”, “Smasher” and following ones, “Battle Master”


I wrote them I don´t know how often, is it that hard to understand me?

On 6/30/2018 at 3:26 PM, otaku98753 said:

You want a full list of achievements I lost? Everything.

 I think it’s isn’t true ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) I saw lot of your achievements.

Well. At first time I thougt that you can’t get true achiewements list because of connection problem.

But, I compared your achievements lists from your screenshots and from our database. I didn’t find any differents. Therefore, my hypothesis was false.

Because I don’t know, wat happend and try to collect addititional information.

Of course you see them now since most are back and checking broken data against broken data is useless…

I was in battle when everything got lost and many came back immediately like the ones for medals and ships since ships and medals were still there.

Also most of the others came back the next day, don´t ask me why or how.


As you can see in my first sceenshots, I had juggernaut without the achievement. Only possible when I had and lost the achievement so that alone proves there is something wrong with your database…

On 7/7/2018 at 4:08 PM, otaku98753 said:

I had juggernaut without the achievement.

But now you have this achievement. That is why I ask list of your lost achievements. For this time.

On 6/30/2018 at 12:26 PM, otaku98753 said:

 “Fire and Forget”, “Smasher” and following ones, “Battle Master”


On 7/14/2018 at 8:46 PM, otaku98753 said:

 “Fire and Forget”,

I can’t  find this achievement. Can you make screenshot?


Check again please

Whatever, if I should ever give the game another try I will simply regain whatever is still missing. It´s very annoying to write here and to the support again and again what is missing… After 3 month the same achievements are still missing and I don´t really care anymore about them or the game in general…