Acceleration wrong displayed


The displayed acceleration is around 1/5 of the real acceleration.

With an acceleration of 20.1 m/s² you would need 23sec to get a speed of 456 without afterburner, but this game wats to say me that you need only 4sec with this acceleration to reach 456m/s.


I don’t see where is a problem it was m/s² you missed the ².

I don’t see where is a problem it was m/s² you missed the ².

whre did i missed the ² ?

When you ship is flying at max speed 456m/s and you need 4sec to reach it, your acceeration should be (456m/s) / (4sec) =  114m/s² (a = v/t).

This is only a simple calculation which you normally learn at school in the physics lessons.

I don’t see where is a problem it was m/s² you missed the ².

Perhaps you don’t know what m/s2 means, but he did the calculations correctly.

Agreed, this is strange…

Acceleration is on m.s-2 for a reason… Time is factored 2 times.


according to this formula, you get t = √(2s/a)

ie : t = √(2x456/20)

t = 6.75 s


You need next to 7sec to reach max speed without afterburner.

When you ship is flying at max speed 456m/s and you need 4sec to reach it, your acceeration should be (456m/s) / (4sec) =  114m/s² (a = v/t).

This is only a simple calculation which you normally learn at school in the physics lessons.


acceleration is in m/s² and the speed is in m/s.

Just see here

I guess you didn’t listen a lot at school :smiley:

Acceleration is on m.s-2 for a reason… Time is factored 2 times.


according to this formula, you get t = √(2s/a)

ie : t = √(2x456/20)

t = 6.75 s


You need next to 7sec to reach max speed without afterburner.


I guess you didn’t listen a lot at school :smiley:



I think you were the one not listening…  Or the one who cannot read…

“s” is the displacement, not the velocity.  In this case the formula we use is the first one:


a = (delta v)/(delta t)


==> (delta t) = (delta v)/a = 456/20.1 = 22.7 s

I think you were the one not listening…  Or the one who cannot read…

“s” is the displacement, not the velocity.  In this case the formula we use is the first one:


a = (delta v)/(delta t)


==> (delta t) = (delta v)/a = 456/20.1 = 22.7 s

so is it bugged or is it no bugged?

so is it bugged or is it no bugged?

I wouldn’t say it’s bugged, since it seems to be proportional to acceleration, but it’s sure as heck not truthful.

I think you were the one not listening…  Or the one who cannot read…

“s” is the displacement, not the velocity.  In this case the formula we use is the first one:

Seems legit!


As we are always in gravity well of some kind of planetoid, I guess we should consider that acceleration vector is not directed toward movement (but in this case, the value should be even higher). Or it should be renamed forward acceleration.


For the french users, somehting that is kind of related to this topic :

a great science channel :stuck_out_tongue:

so is it bugged or is it no bugged?

By my calculations, which confirm those of the OP, yes it is bugged. I don’t know if the devs intend it to work like this though. Like Statue says, it does still increase proportionaly so can still be used as an indicator for acceleration…