Acceleration values incorrect

I noticed acceleration values are always incorrect.
E.g. acceleration on my ‘Wolf’ is specified as 12.5 m/s2 but it actually hits 300 m/s in about 3 seconds, which should be 100 m/s2.

This makes it hard to evaluate the usefulness of acceleration buffs.


Also, acceleration is different when using afterburners and that effect isn’t specified anywhere.


Is there a fixed ratio between the specified acceleration value and actual acceleration? can I just calculate value * 8 to get the real value?


Thanks :slight_smile:

12,5m/s² <—

12.5 m/s2 means gaining 12.5 m/s speed every second, actual acceleration is more around 100 m/s per second

Don’t use afterburners and test it :slight_smile:

300 m/s in 3 seconds is without afterburners


I noticed acceleration values are always incorrect.

E.g. acceleration on my ‘Wolf’ is specified as 12.5 m/s2 but it actually hits 300 m/s in about 3 seconds, which should be 100 m/s2.

This makes it hard to evaluate the usefulness of acceleration buffs.


Also, acceleration is different when using afterburners and that effect isn’t specified anywhere.


Is there a fixed ratio between the specified acceleration value and actual acceleration? can I just calculate value * 8 to get the real value?


Thanks :slight_smile:



12.5 m/s2 means gaining 12.5 m/s speed every second, actual acceleration is more around 100 m/s per second



300 m/s in 3 seconds is without afterburners





12.5 * 12.5 = 156.25


so about 300 m/s after 2 seconds.



12.5 * 12.5 = 156.25


so about 300 m/s after 2 seconds.

That can’t be the thing in this game, it’s being calculated different and it shows the right values.


The way you calculate it would make my Mauler accelerating with 3844m/s.

For me it shows the right value right away, for example my Wolf has an acceleration of 102m/s²

Actually just the ² is wrong here.

They changed it recently. Didn’t even notice.

Yeah it’s odd that something like acceleration could have an error for so long XD At least now I can say that frigates can fly in the atmosphere…