About loyalty.

Hello all.

OK everyone here must know that, loyalty voucher are much harder to get then artifacts or something else. I don’t know what you do think of this, but it don’t sound logic to me of being harder upgrading an mk2 item to mk3 then upgrade mk3 to mk4.

The fact is that every time I get enough loyalty for an mk3 item, I already have enough to buy the mk4, and so I don’t even play with an mk3 equipped.

So I’ve thought about some things. First problem is that you can only do 3 contracts per match.

I would change it to : Sign with a faction, then you can complete all the task in a single match if you fulfill them. That’s nothing OP, just allow to play less for the same amount…

Or then, why not earning loyalty with medals? The more medals you get per match, the more loyalty you get? Not something big. I would say something from 20 to 500 depending on the medal and the tier. So we could have around 5k loyalty in an effective T3 match? Far from the hundred thousand needed to upgrade a weapon, but good enough to have no?

nah it’s good now… doing only 18h contracts you can get ~40k vouchers per day it’s max 6games

so i can get vouchers for end game item in 4-5days, that is fast for MMO :slight_smile:

nah it’s good now… doing only 18h contracts you can get ~40k vouchers per day it’s max 6games

so i can get vouchers for end game item in 4-5days, that is fast for MMO :slight_smile:

yea dude, 40k vouchers a day, and one weapon in t5 costs 270 000 vouchers.


how many days would it take? exacly one week it would take. and thats one mk4 item in tier 5.

it should be lower. 

Everyone have so many Artifacts because artefact “sinks” are not implemented into the game yet, so by product of this is that everyone has simply too many artifacts to spend on upgrades.

And if you have a prem license, Loyalty gains are very good, you can often get more than 40k of loyalty in couple of hours of gameplay.

They should not make vouchers easier to get.


If they are easy to get, then everybody will roll full purple ships and there will be no reason to have such an upgrade system in the first place. the MK4 grind will become the “stick grind”.

with the current system, mk2 modules are average, and people can pick and choose which modules they upgrade,the ones that are their favorite and most fit their playstyle. there is more uniqueness in ship loadouts when full purple is as hard to get as is.


just remember, the easier it is for you to upgrade, the easier it is for your enemies to upgrade.

i dont know how you guys have so many arti… i still need over 2k to upgrade mk3 

Because it costs 180 artifacts for us to upgrade just a single T5 passive module, 210 for an active, and 300+ for weapons.    Alot of these guys are complaining about T3 upgrade costs not T5.

Because it costs 180 artifacts for us to upgrade just a single T5 passive module, 210 for an active, and 300+ for weapons.    Alot of these guys are complaining about T3 upgrade costs not T5.

now i get it…

btw 180;250;360 arti for passive/active/weapon



Because it costs 180 artifacts for us to upgrade just a single T5 passive module, 210 for an active, and 300+ for weapons.    Alot of these guys are complaining about T3 upgrade costs not T5.

yes that is the clunker…  going from Mk1 to Mk2 cost credits…  (PVE farm time) …  then Mk2-3 requires loyalty vouchers or GS   Mk3-4 only way to upgrade is to get aritfacts or LOOT.   


It gets REALLY expensive for T5.  Each ship after the purchase may cost you are 15-20 Million in credits,  looking at going through at least 1 million in loyality and or 5,000 GS  and over 2500 arifacts ( if you do not have any of the right upgrade kits) or pulled from directly from LOOT to have all your modules FULL PURPLE. 


Break it down some more    If you go the salvage route    and happen to run across those occasional  233 aritifacts  it may cost you 500-600GS  it varies. so now you spend 10K in GS  


The Grind… man … that you have to go through is just insane.  

now i get it…

btw 180;250;360 arti for passive/active/weapon

Yeah I know those numbers weren’t 100% accurate…if the server wasn’t being such a pain atm I’d just get the info from in-game >.>

nah it’s good now… doing only 18h contracts you can get ~40k vouchers per day it’s max 6games

so i can get vouchers for end game item in 4-5days, that is fast for MMO :slight_smile:

Not sure about you, but not everyone bought the DLCs so they don’t have any bonuses. Also premium. Its pretty easy to farm vouchers with all that stuff, but without them must be way harder.

Not sure about you, but not everyone bought the DLCs so they don’t have any bonuses. Also premium. Its pretty easy to farm vouchers with all that stuff, but without them must be way harder.

I got only one DLC one with Sai(it give only % to credits). I’m w/o premium now and i can do 4 contracts in each faction almost every day(R7/9/12/15) and it give me 35k vouchers… like i said before compared to otheres mmo 4days for one end game item isn’t long