A1MA (aimbot module) blueprint

Did they actually remove the blueprint for the aimbot module, but left the module to the people that already have it? It’s either that my observation is really down today, or they are completely unbelievably stupid. I normally don’t use words such as this in a public post. But if they removed only the blueprint and not the module, can you call it anything else? But stupid? 


Make auto aim module in skill based shooter.

Fail to balance it.
Remove it’s blueprint, but not the actual module

Ignore the pleas of those who were not “the chosen ones”

Problem solved.

For now I cannot tell more, but we are still aware of this situation.

refunds for all a1ma users is the only solution. at least they can buy something else with the crystals and the game gains skill back in t4+ again. i am bored of BloodyDragon blowing me up in 1.5 seconds with orion + a1ma + pulse laser (with full shield/hull and good resist in every interceptor and some fighters)

OHH Would’t be nice with a message board about what we knows and what the developes knows, At least so WE are aware of what they aware of,



:003j:  jeez…

refunds for all a1ma users is the only solution. at least they can buy something else with the crystals and the game gains skill back in t4+ again. i am bored of BloodyDragon blowing me up in 1.5 seconds with orion + a1ma + pulse laser (with full shield/hull and good resist in every interceptor and some fighters)

Or nerf it to hell and bring it back?  Then everyone wins.