A Robotic Challenge

Despite the fact I can’t give people any actual rewards, I provide you with the following challenge:


Build a robot out of these items:


  • 1 sheet of paper (A4/A5);

  • 1 rubber band;

  • 1 paper clip;

  • 1 ball point pen;

  • duct tape;


The goal is to get it to move, if possible, over 2 meters (6’8" for our Imperialist friends). That’s it. Simple, right? It is, but there are some rules to this challenge:


  • You may not use any more materials than those.

  • You may use said materials in any way you see fit (you may break, burn, cut, or do anything with them).

  • You may only use items found in our modern day households (that means no sci-fi shenanigans and no übbertech from laboratories).



Have fun, hope to see a few of those results in a few hours.

Draw the best robot you can in the A4 paper with the ball pen,


Make a paper plane with the paper.


Make it fly for more than 2 meters.


There you have your own flying two dimensional transformer robot.


In case you need it to be self propelled, with two wood sticks, the clip and the rubber band I can make you a nice propeller, but in that case I would need an A3 sheet to get enough wing surface for the added mass.


Were is my cake? They said there would be cake!!

A paper boat (waterproof it using duct tape) would work too. Paper (again, waterproofed) paddles mounted on the pen (as an axle) powered using rubber band anchored using paper clip.


Robot… erm… let’s assume that the paper boat is Broadside from Transformers.

It doesn’t have to resemble anything, it just needs some manner of autonomous movement. If you can get them to work, post the pics here so others can try them for themselves.

What? do you want me to “build”? Please transfer the request to the manufacturing department, this is R&D.



What? do you want me to “build”? Please transfer the request to the manufacturing department, this is R&D.

That’s the idea, mind training.

Can I use mi cat as “natural engine”?


Were is my cake? They said there would be cake!!



Can I use mi cat as “natural engine”?

Just what i was thinking :stuck_out_tongue:



Anyway, simple solution is simple: put the paper on the ground in a windy day → watch it travel kilometers. (Youtube ‘LORE’ quote): Haave fuuuun…

Oh, i have to use all the items? Make the paper in the shape of a ball, put everything inside, seal with duct tape, replay windy day :smiley:

Anyway, simple solution is simple: put the paper on the ground in a windy day → watch it travel kilometers. (Youtube ‘LORE’ quote): Haave fuuuun…

Oh, i have to use all the items? Make the paper in the shape of a ball, put everything inside, seal with duct tape, replay windy day :smiley:



Every architect knows that in a house, leaving doors and windows and whatever else leading outside open will create a current or more. The important part is that the current travels from the smaller opening to the larger ones. A few natural criteria need to be met as well and quite easy to interpret. Plan accordingly :stuck_out_tongue:

So… windy day is still working! :smiley:


PS: it’s called ‘Ecological Architecture’ (or Green or Eco-friendly or whatever)

Unlimited amounts of duct tape… cut some of the paper, thicken with ducttape to make propellers. unfold paper clip and fit propeller on its tip [crimping immediate sides to lock the propeller in place at the tip of the clip, dont let it be loose]. Take apart the ballpoint pen [and somehow use up all the ink beforehand], cut and fold upwards a solid portion of outer casing on one end and make a hole. Stick paperclip through hole and bend so it stays in the hole, but loose enough to turn freely. Secure rubber band through that paperclip, so that now you have propellers; pen stand thing; and rubber band on the other side. take other end of rubber band and shove it inside the pen cap and place pen cap on other end of pen. Use duct tape if necessary. You can now wind the propeller as much as you want, then let go and watch it fly into oblivion. Maybe make some wings out of the rest of your paper and duct tape to get it to go straight.