A Rework For Some Weapons

Some weapons are heavily underused and underpowered compared to other available options. I suggest a few changes to make them more useful:


Shrapnel Cannon:


This weapon has two big disadvantages compared to other interceptor guns: Huge spread and slow projectile speed. I suggest to equalize at least one drawback:


Increase projectile speed to 5000m/s



RF Blaster:


I suggest to bring the ‘Rapid Fire’ back to the ‘Rapid Fire Blaster’:


Increase rof to 450/min

Increase effective dps by 5%



Mass driver:


Low range, mediocre damage and spead make this weapon somewhat lackluster in comparison to other weapons. I suggest to increase its range to make it more suitable for long range combat:


Increase range to 4000m



Coil Mortar:


This gun feels incredible harmless to anything that isnt a destroyer, mostly due to its ridiculously low projectile speed and below average damage.

I suggest to increase its projectile speed to free up slots for viable builds:


Increase projectile speed to 3500m/s




2 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Coil Mortar:


This gun feels incredible harmless to anything that isnt a destroyer, mostly due to its ridiculously low projectile speed and below average damage.

I suggest to increase its projectile speed to free up slots for viable builds:


Increase projectile speed to 3500m/s


I agree with all the others  … but this gun is so perfect for so many things I have a daily fear the Dev’s will change it and make it worthless … the Coil Mortal needs only one upgrade  , range to 4600 beyond that i see it as one of the best weapons in game and a non-nerfed miracle … so few weapons are universally useful and the Coil Mortar is the first on that list …  the Coil Mortar is the only weapon for the Kraken doing 52,500 DPS to the cruiser in defense Contract … I just don’t want the Dev’s looking at this gun with the nerf bat .

12 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


I agree with all the others  … but this gun is so perfect for so many things I have a daily fear the Dev’s will change it and make it worthless … the Coil Mortal needs only one upgrade  , range to 4600 beyond that i see it as one of the best weapons in game and a non-nerfed miracle … so few weapons are universally useful and the Coil Mortar is the first on that list …  the Coil Mortar is the only weapon for the Kraken doing 52,500 DPS to the cruiser in defense Contract … I just don’t want the Dev’s looking at this gun with the nerf bat .

Increasing its projectile speed wouldn’t increase it’s effectiveness in pve, but it would make it useful in pvp aswell ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Mass driver, shrapnel canon and RF blaster need a rework indeed.


MD: dmg and cooling speed mostly, range is rather good to me

SC: projectile speed

RF: fire rate and a slightly higher projectile speed


Coil mortar is fine to me imo, there is plenty of way to increase the projectile speed


Not in your list but i’ll add, plasma minigun and gordon missile launcher

PM: more dmg

GML: tracking angle. In it’s current state, you can’t hit ships that have a speed higher than 350m/s which is bad for a tackler weapon.

4 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Increasing its projectile speed wouldn’t increase it’s effectiveness in pve, but it would make it useful in pvp aswell ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

But why should you? I mean why should a weapon that is without discussion far the strongest in pve be weak, when it lacks ability to compete in pvp? Everything has it’s pros and cons, so I think it is fair that way. The thing really necessary is proximity mortar nerf.

we will get this - i guess