A reason to quit the game?

As I am gaining experience in this game, I have noticed a motivation issue.

While it feels great to win, losing matches for whatever reason, such as ping, suicidal captain or people just flying around instead of fighting, becomes really harsh during longer fail streaks.


I personally enjoy it the way it is, I am a very competitive perfectionist and rather get no rewards than too big rewards for losing, as I want wins to feel like an accomplishment.


But what about people who are simply no great pilots, nor aimers, yet love the game anyway?

There were loss streaks where I thought to myself "if I did not enjoy figuring out how to make a difference on my team so much, I would probably get too frustrated by all the defeats during the learning curve.

So what about the people who will never get out of the learning curve?

Yes, PVP games are competitive in nature and yes, there is a PVE mode.

But are the difference in rewards really not too high between a lost match and a won match, on top of the rewarding feeling of a success and the discouraging feeling of a defeat?


What about some type of helping hand boost for the not so skilled pilots who lose most matches?
Something that kicks in when you lose too many matches in a row or within a certain amount of matches?



People would exploit it, losing matches on purpose so it “kicks in” and they get an easier time.


No unfortunately a fair matchmaker is the possible option.

People would exploit it, losing matches on purpose so it “kicks in” and they get an easier time.


No unfortunately a fair matchmaker is the possible option.


What do you consider “an easier time” about spending hours in a game losing one match after another just to get a few bonus coins?

What kind of helping hand boost were you thinking of?? 1k standards? An OP ship??

It is always recommended to stay in a Tier until you are getting on the top places of your team. Boosting someone who is not that “skilled” would not help that player, it only gets harder in higher Tiers and not easier.

It is always recommended to stay in a Tier until you are getting on the top places of your team. Boosting someone who is not that “skilled” would not help that player, it only gets harder in higher Tiers and not easier.


This is simply not happening for (maybe) 80% of game population. A lot of people leave their tier just because they want to collect all ships, they just don’t mind to loose games until they got sinergy from lost matches.

It’s sad, but it’s the way it is. That’s why we have a lot of tier rushers in t5 that are worst than t3 pilots (sometimes they are worst than t2 newbee).

The problem with this games is that people expect that the guy playing a T5 ship have more knowledge of the game than a guy playing T2.


In fact, that is not true. Most people don’t want or care about the game mechanics.


Also, you have the issue of tier rushers, or people buying high tier ships with very few games. Well, it is the Löwe syndrome after all. Welcome to free to play games.

 they just don’t mind to loose games until they got sinergy from lost matches.


i am not really sure if this is entirely true, tho. i think even if matches lost would not give you anything, people would behave the same way.


everybody wants to have the best stuff as soon as possible. the worst possible case buys himself up to the mauler or other t5 goldens, and starts to bring in t2’s into t5 to synergize them.


i think this is key to the behaviour: if ships would not be permitted to be synergized in tier +2, people would fly the ships in their own tier, or at least only risk a tier difference of one. i think this is rather easy to solve. having a fully synergized ship in a higher tier would not be as dramatic, since it would balance the need out to be too far, while people who stick to their better ships (e.g. switching from t3 to t4, with still some t3’s in the deck) would not be harmed aswell.


the general idea, that every match gives some kind of reward, even if lost, is a good thing, because otherwise, people would stop playing the game if they lose alltogether, if they feel its because of others; this way at least even a loss can have its rewards. besides, winning battles makes you progress faster.


generally, you have a large amount of players, who play higher tiers because they get more rewards, more missions done, and also think, they get better synergy for being in high tier.


since there is much less reward in any way if you play lower tier, you cannot move along your modules to other tiers, and the ships get outclassed by implants and raw values, a lot of progress players should make to learn the game basics are skipped; who wants to purple out t3s, if you can purple out t5s by paying yourself up.


i sincerely think, there could be different approaches to make such players find their tiers; you could of course never cure this, but at least, i think a described tier limit for partly synergized ships and/or minimum amount of ships in decks for t4 and t5 so you cannot pvp with only one golden t5 ship there, would be helpful.


you can still pve or invasion if you buy a t5 early, but at least, you have to play up in lower tiers if you want to synergize the others.

Wait i didn’t mean that you should get no reward from lost matches.  :01515:

It is always recommended to stay in a Tier until you are getting on the top places of your team. Boosting someone who is not that “skilled” would not help that player, it only gets harder in higher Tiers and not easier.

That stopped happening when the progression system stopped rewarding that behaviour.


Let’s look at the core problems - entry level ships suck, Mk I / Mk II gear sucks, and the Loyalty system means you’re punished in the long term for investing in equipment you aren’t going to use all the time.


This leads to the negative behaviours we now suffer through - rushing to tier 5 and never bothering to learn the game. Why should they?


Now look at the old system and compare:


  1. If you don’t like a ship, you can skip it entirely so long as you have the credits and your loyalty is high enough rank with the faction.

  2. If you don’t like Mk I / Mk II gear, you can skip it entirely so long as you have high enough rank in the right faction.

  3. The best way to skip content like this is to stay in the tier below and rank up.


Under this model, the player is encouraged to stay in Tier 1 until they can skip straight to the Mk III gear and a Rank 5-6 ship. They then repeat the process in Tier 2, staying put until they can skip the bad content and go straight to the good content.


This model resulted in people playing more games in lower tiers, and it was flat out impossible to tier rush the way it is now. It was a better progression system, and the game should return to using it over this… mess we have now.

i am not really sure if this is entirely true, tho. i think even if matches lost would not give you anything, people would behave the same way.

I’m not so sure. I’ve seen three different people doing [this thing](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24946-what-should-we-do-with-players-like-tnshorty/) in the past week.


Now, three isn’t a huge number, but I mean…


I agree with the rest of your post, though.

Wait i didn’t mean that you should get no reward from lost matches.  :01515:

awkay :fed015:



I’m not so sure. I’ve seen three different people doing [this thing](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24946-what-should-we-do-with-players-like-tnshorty/) in the past week.


Now, three isn’t a huge number, but I mean…


I agree with the rest of your post, though.


haha the video. well but that doesn’t really correlate with “rewards”… i mean should the whole team suffer because one does this?

anyway, that’s botting :slight_smile: