A post

Your servers are worse now btw. I went from 170 ping on eu to 190-210 and i went from 210-230 ping to 230-240 ping on rus. This is why i get pissed when people complain about 140 ping. I volunteer to fix your server placement. Texas, Germany, central russia, and western russia. I volunteer to work on your servers. I may have no professional experience, but at least my servers did the job without complaints…




Matchmaking code: math.random();


Server placement: RU servers are really on the moon and EU servers are really in Russia!


Definition US player: Cannon fodder with extremely high ping for Russians to shoot.


Definition PvP: Phodder vs Русский 


Definition Customer Support: Another figment of your imagination!



Devs, i wouldn’t be pissed about this if it were the first time, the second time, or if you fixed these Game Breaking things in a reasonable time instead of introducing stuff like leagues where it chooses Russian servers when my team has 2 South americans! I am really close to quitting this game. A ton of people are quitting already. You guys need to realize that your pay check comes from people like me who spend money on the game and when you piss us off, you don’t get paid! 


Tell me how I can help fix this crap and I will do it as long as it’s reasonable and you don’t ask for logs for stupid things such as text bugs like in the past… 



Ey. Support exists. The support site is one of the worst built sites on the Internet, but hey. They’re helpful in a pinch.

In this case, Arctic is actually right. It is the servers. This has happened after the last 3 patches (1.2.3, 1.2.4, and now 1.2.4a). From the past 2 patches, the increased ping and loss went back to normal after a day or two. This is stupid. When you have been told that your patch is causing lag, but don’t do anything about it, or even look into it, and then wonder why people complain, you need to rethink the way you run your company. It is unacceptable to let this happen multiple weeks in a row (unless of course you actually look in to the situation and try to fix it,  but the fix is more complicated and would take more than 3 weeks to fix, but that is unlikely). 


And Arctic, the US servers ARE in Texas, near Dallas. The EU I believe are near Germany (Netherlands I think, I could be wrong). The problem isn’t server location, it is server quality. The servers are high enough quality to perform fine in Russia, but that’s about it. That’s why the EU and US servers are higher quality than RU, so that they can work well in Russia, but they don’t do the same in reverse, getting good RU servers so that EU and US players can play on the same servers without lag. Other games have figured this out, but then again, most other games don’t prioritize their Russian community over everyone else.

In this case, Arctic is actually right. It is the servers. This has happened after the last 3 patches (1.2.3, 1.2.4, and now 1.2.4a). From the past 2 patches, the increased ping and loss went back to normal after a day or two. This is stupid. When you have been told that your patch is causing lag, but don’t do anything about it, or even look into it, and then wonder why people complain, you need to rethink the way you run your company. It is unacceptable to let this happen multiple weeks in a row (unless of course you actually look in to the situation and try to fix it,  but the fix is more complicated and would take more than 3 weeks to fix, but that is unlikely). 


And Arctic, the US servers ARE in Texas, near Dallas. The EU I believe are near Germany (Netherlands I think, I could be wrong). The problem isn’t server location, it is server quality. The servers are high enough quality to perform fine in Russia, but that’s about it. That’s why the EU and US servers are higher quality than RU, so that they can work well in Russia, but they don’t do the same in reverse, getting good RU servers so that EU and US players can play on the same servers without lag. Other games have figured this out, but then again, most other games don’t prioritize their Russian community over everyone else.

I know but i was afraid if i didn’t mention the USA servers, they would take them out lol 

I know but i was afraid if i didn’t mention the USA servers, they would take them out lol 


At which point 99% of the US population in this game will quit and never return (myself included). And more than likely, that 99% will quit and either give this game scathing reviews on every gaming site ever, or never mention this game to anyone, to ensure that no one gives this game business in the US.


Come to think of it, removing US servers could be considered illegal under international law, as you would be discriminating against one group of people. And that would allow us US players to sue (S)targem for breaking international law, and we could take control of SC, and actually make it a good game. So please devs, get rid of US servers… XD [/sarcasm]

Come to think of it, removing US servers could be considered illegal under international law, as you would be discriminating against one group of people.


This made me laugh XD

This made me laugh XD


It’s true though, any international game has to obey international law. It may/may not be legal to discriminate in Russia, I don’t really know, but under international law, it is illegal to discriminate against any group of individuals, regardless of circumstances or w/e. (Engle brought me up to speed on the international laws that games have to follow, and I did some of my own research).

There are enough equal discussions, no need for new threads.
