A little doubt

I have a little doubt.

We have a reputation in the faction ( left side screen), on right side we have a level in each ship.

My doubt is about the level in each ship.

How working? What is the use ?

The level in each ship represents your experience with the spacecraft.

Thus enhancing maneuverability and hitpoints, nothing else

OK. This explain why my ship T1 level 2 is better than the other T2 level 1.


since we are with ship exp is lv2 the cap? at least that i what i get in the harpy.

what I understod, even though I have a T2 ship she must have experience in piloting. So you can better shield, hull maneuverability and speed. In my case, my ship is T1 at level 2 the maximum. So I need put my T2 at level 2 or more and can get the maximum potential.

I think that’s it.

Hey … i want to start this game too… how would i approach to this game … i mean how can i download it…

Hey … i want to start this game too… how would i approach to this game … i mean how can i download it…

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