A few questions

  1. Implants: Do T3 (or higher) implants work on T2 ships (or lower)? Or do implants require the same tier of ships. 


  1. I’ve read in a guide that the Empire ship Kalah has a 15% crit chance, 20% rocket reload speed and 15% damage bonus to main weapons. Where can one find this kind of information on ships?


  1. There used to be a large detailed list when you hovered over a ship. I can’t seem to trigger this list anymore. I can press Control and Alt, none of which trigger the large list. 

1/ Implants only work for ships of same or higher rank. a rank 5 ship will beneficiate from 5 implants (rk 1 to rk 5), all higher rank implants will not work on it.


2/ it’s in the large detailed ship description, in the bottom


3/ You must change one of your game options : set tooltip information to detailed (or full, can’t remember the exact name).

Kalah got changed last patch so it has prj spd instead of increased crit chance

  1. There used to be a large detailed list when you hovered over a ship. I can’t seem to trigger this list anymore. I can press Control and Alt, none of which trigger the large list. 


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/19792-how-do-i-view-my-ships-statistics-now-since-may-23rd-patch/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19792-how-do-i-view-my-ships-statistics-now-since-may-23rd-patch/)