A conversation with the Tormentor in Open Space

Taking my new Tormentor out into Open Space, apparently though she has her own ideas of how we should do things. I hope you guys enjoy!



I want all of my ships to talk to me like this.


With sass.




I love the super organic sounding music too. Excellent choice.

The ship is dope, thanks for reminding me to play it again!

just watched it on his youtube channel; cant wait for more like this. SC Devs, take notes and add talking ai to our ships…

This would make open space so much more better, my god I can’t even imagine how game changing this would be. Not just… dead space.

The devil is in the details… and tharok, but mostly details. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

The devil is in the details… and tharok, but mostly details. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Do you know of any good programs, where you can use voice-altering software?

Thanks for the endorsment guys. The Open Space here certainly is not perfect, but I do enjoy it occasionally, putting on some music, doing some missions, making my own movie in my head. It lends itself very well for that.

This is the first time I tried something like this, it just came together last night. Had a lot of fun doing it though and already plans to do more.

Looks like Ever Space (which is far better than current SC OS). Great music there, i guess you composed it?

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

Do you know of any good programs, where you can use voice-altering software?

Well, there must be a few freeware stuff at least.

18 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Looks like Ever Space (which is far better than current SC OS). Great music there, i guess you composed it?

I do love Everspace. Although I wish it would have been classic open world like the game they made before. ‘Galaxy on Fire 2’, started out as a mobile game but has a PC version now, which is surprisingly super cool in my opinion. Maybe just the right thing for people who like the SC open world and Freelancer type games.

The music is free under creative commens, a link to it is in the video description. Only the ‘battle music’ in the middle is something I put together with a few samples I had lying around. I actually work on my own little 2D space game and use the voice and soundeffects from that. It’s not voice-altering, it 100% synthetic.