A Clarification on Drone-Poopers

Clearly you didn’t look at my screenshot or read my post at all. I never once used my speed tackler for hit’n’run or distractions. I used it to take down enemies (I got 9 kills, 5 damage assists). Ask Virul, I killed him 2 or 3 times, and he is an excellent pilot. As I have proven, speed-tacklers with drones are far more effective when  NOT used in hit’n’run/distraction tactics. You would never get this kind of effectiveness when dropping and running like most speed-drone poopers do.




Like Sema said, it slows much more. Yes, it has a long recharge (ish), but it is far more effective. I use gravi-beamers and slow-field missiles in combination, which results in AT LEAST taking the speed off equivalent to what afterburners give, most times more. Combine that with engine suppressor, and the target moves unbelievably slow. Normally, I save my engine suppressor until after the target has popped a multi-purpose, this way most ships won’t have a way to counter the slows after the initial 5 second immunity, 5 seconds which I spend cloaked, but waiting nearby (3k or so).

LOL i’ve had lots of kills and points hit and running beacons and i’ve won a bunch of times doing that. 


As Kostyan said, screeny proves nothing. 

As Kostyan said, screeny proves nothing. 


I beg to differ. 99% of the time, you will do better NOT doing the hit’n’run tactics than doing them. I only provided one screenshot, as it was the only match I ended up taking a screenshot of. That particular screenshot is one of 5 or 6 games in a row where I had that kind of score. Also, I was playing against 1 very good player (Virul), and 2 fairly decent pilots. Thus proving this to be effective against good pilots/teams. Hit’n’run doesn’t work against skilled pilots/teams, as Oregyen proved in this video: 


One screenshot doesn’t prove anything, you guys are right, but if I had screenshotted every game like that, you would see what I am talking about. Just ask Tillo, Entersprite, or niri. They have been doing this same tactic.


ArcTic, I mainly said you didn’t read my post as you stated that they are next to useless unless used in hit’n’run tactics. The purpose of this topic was to show that they aren’t next to useless, but are in fact more useful when used in a non hit’n’run playstyle. Sure other ships are far more effective, but that isnt the point of this topic.

Making a drone already removes your old one.


Im not sure u read my message. When a takler deploy a drone, this drone begins the cooldown, that shouldnt happen untiul this drone is dead, so u cant kill ur  own drone by deploying a new one. Its a big problem that a takler has ready a new drone while the old one is already in the map.

 Also, I was playing against 1 very good player (Virul), and 2 fairly decent pilots. Thus proving this to be effective against good pilots/teams.

Quite a BS 

if you think these (except for Virul) are “fairly decent pilots”, following this logic i must be an eternal god of star conflict.




Even the guy on your team was better than any of these 2, so at the end Virul had to deal 1v3 with 3 of your tacklers on a huge map, without even having a ship that goes anywhere close to your speeds to get to beacons.

So far you are not proving your point. and references as “ask those guys blah. blah, blah” are hardly a valid ground for a discussion.

 So far, from games we had you could not do anything in your tackler unless fully supported by your team, so you can pew-pew without being noticed from the side.

Quite a BS 

if you think these (except for Virul) are “fairly decent pilots”, following this logic i must be an eternal god of star conflict.



So far you are not proving your point. and references as “ask those guys blah. blah, blah” are hardly a valid ground for a discussion.

 So far, from games we had you could not do anything in your tackler unless fully supported by your team, so you can pew-pew without being noticed from the side.


Like I said earlier, I had numerous games that day and previous days that had similar kills, assists, and caps. That just happened to be the only battle I screenshotted. If I had screenshotted one of my battles in a Capture the Beacons game, my point would be demonstrated even better. If you would compare that kind of score vs. the score of a pilot who only dropped drones, cloaked, and ran away the entire game (like most drone-poopers do), you would see my point. The original point of this post was only to show that using drone-poopers in a non hit’n’run style works better than drop’n’run.


If you think about it, very few ship roles can work without the support of the team. Drop’n’run drone-poopers work horribly regardless of whether or not the team supports you, because you aren’t supporting them in return. Using the drone-pooper in the way I did works, but only if the team supports you (as you make clear). THAT, is my point. Nowhere did I say that it worked every time. 

I beg to differ. 99% of the time, you will do better NOT doing the hit’n’run tactics than doing them. I only provided one screenshot, as it was the only match I ended up taking a screenshot of. That particular screenshot is one of 5 or 6 games in a row where I had that kind of score. Also, I was playing against 1 very good player (Virul), and 2 fairly decent pilots. Thus proving this to be effective against good pilots/teams. Hit’n’run doesn’t work against skilled pilots/teams, as Oregyen proved in this video: 


One screenshot doesn’t prove anything, you guys are right, but if I had screenshotted every game like that, you would see what I am talking about. Just ask Tillo, Entersprite, or niri. They have been doing this same tactic.


ArcTic, I mainly said you didn’t read my post as you stated that they are next to useless unless used in hit’n’run tactics. The purpose of this topic was to show that they aren’t next to useless, but are in fact more useful when used in a non hit’n’run playstyle. Sure other ships are far more effective, but that isnt the point of this topic.

hahaha dirk is funny. that video means nothing as i had ridiculous packet loss and high ping and had to disconnect twice.


Bear with me please.


Check teams 


A 4 man owl -NASA squad and 





2 RadiX and an Ultra (me being useless with packet loss)


with 2 random team mates:






Being down 2 guys (counting me and the PUD dude) will bring any team down if they’re playing any decent opposing team. 


You had ping, a larger squad, and only 1 random who was actually pretty good in your favor. 



Last time RadiX vsed an OWL squad, we tied.


Teams were:










http://www.frogswarm.fr/sc/?nick=DawidDS (was RadiX at one point in time before he moved on to WPK)





I’m not saying we’re better than OWL or NASA. 


what i’m saying is that RadiX can hold its own vs some good corps.


I can’t help but feel that you guys dis me a lot because i stated that i had bad ping and packet loss. that doesn’t negate that you won as the video shows! 


Personally, I would rather be friends with you guys than do all this senseless arguing and I do consider OWL and NASA to be some of the best corps in the game.


I’m sure there will be an excuse as to why RadiX tied with OWL in pvp and i’m looking forward to hearing it. :stuck_out_tongue:


But of course, all this won’t convince you. Perhaps I need to put my money where my mouth is and get a RadiX team to vs you guys down in t3? 


Everything you said is either A) excuses or B) makes no sense.


I clearly said that the non hit’n’run tactic works against skilled pilots/teams and non-skilled pilots/teams, whereas the hit’n’run tactic never works against skilled teams and only sometimes works against non-skilled players/teams. The teams of that video are perfect proof that hit’n’run drone-pooping doesn’t work against skilled teams.


Ping/packet loss have no effect while doing the hit’n’run drone-pooping, as you are rarely engaged in combat. And, if you listen to the commentary, some of us had high ping and packet loss (me mostly).


Also, your screenshot isn’t really valid as you had a WPK aiding your team. I would love to see a RadiX vs. OWL in any tier, with no help from other teammates.

Like I said earlier, I had numerous games that day and previous days that had similar kills, assists, and caps. That just happened to be the only battle I screenshotted. If I had screenshotted one of my battles in a Capture the Beacons game, my point would be demonstrated even better. If you would compare that kind of score vs. the score of a pilot who only dropped drones, cloaked, and ran away the entire game (like most drone-poopers do), you would see my point. The original point of this post was only to show that using drone-poopers in a non hit’n’run style works better than drop’n’run.


If you think about it, very few ship roles can work without the support of the team. Drop’n’run drone-poopers work horribly regardless of whether or not the team supports you, because you aren’t supporting them in return. Using the drone-pooper in the way I did works, but only if the team supports you (as you make clear). THAT, is my point. Nowhere did I say that it worked every time.

The only reason i stuck my noise in this thread is this:

The point of this: To prove that sentry drones are OP in their current state and to prove that the way most pilots drone-poop is horribly ineffective.

Yes, drone poopers have no clue what to do after deploying drones, or even where to deploy the, and some one with experiences can make some tings happen, there is no denial in that, and yes, drones do to much dmg due to the bug, that supposed to be fixed in upcoming patch, and they are annoying in mass when your team have not a slightest idea what to do about them. On many occasions i dive into 3x sets of drones +tacklers on my “anti tackler ship” and i manage to kill one under the fire of 3x"never missing sentry drone" and get out, and yes those are terrible tacklers but skill does not apply to properties of drone (except the positioning, which can be counter productive since it might be even further from a target, making it miss even more) which tells me that they are avoidable on interceptors, and those that constantly blame drones for their death are not flying in-ties “well”.

in fact the “real problem” with drones comes to me when i fly Piranha, and i would assume Jericho fighters, in all other cases i see them as nuasanse rather than a power, given “fair situation comparison” and not something like fed healer vs 3 tacklers+drones

is you want to prove them op, provide solid ground for it.

I’m sure there will be an excuse as to why RadiX tied with OWL in pvp and i’m looking forward to hearing it. :stuck_out_tongue:


you say it as if it is an achievement to beat or even play draw with us, thx :slight_smile:


certainly, (speed)-tackler doesn’t need drone to be effective; and shouldnt only rely on that.


once the bug is fixed, and the damage isnt 4k on a single hit, they also might be more fair. atm, i agree that they add a lot of grief for one shots; but on the other hand, they are certainly not unavoidable in most situations. it isnt the mechanic itself, it’s the overusage, that makes things so bad. same with nonstop inhibiting waki-ae swarms with superfast cooldowns spawncamping your team.

you say it as if it is an achievement to beat or even play draw with us, thx :slight_smile:


I do indeed :slight_smile:



@Dirk, Drones are only hard when u can’t kill the tackler. My advice: If hit and run tacklers are so useless but OP, why do you bother attacking them? I usually ignore speed tacklers unless they’re doing lots of damage to me or my team.


Speed tacklers are only useless when used incorrectly.


They are wonderful when used in team play like you used them dirk and they are useful if you use them like NASA used Recons in sec con.


I can’t count how many times I lost to Milf, Rice, and the rest of their squad cuz we had to choose which beacon to hold. That’s my tactic in speed tackler. If my team mates all go to the beacon on the far right while I go left, usually, the whole enemy team follows me left because i reach the beacon first. My team hits the other beacon and I cloak. Whole enemy team goes to the other beacon and I take the beacon to the left and head off to attack the enemies from behind and screw their inties with slow beams and afterburner suppressor thingy. 


Usually, it ends up with 2 or 3 enemies on me and leaves a couple of guys to take on the rest of my team. Instant advantage.


Why I Like Speed Tackler:


I don’t. SHOCK i like my slow tackler with singularities because it makes inties go 200 and murders them. 


Speed tacklers are good for dividing enemy teams like i mentioned above, but tacklers are best played with team work. 

Everything you said is either A) excuses or B) makes no sense.


I clearly said that the non hit’n’run tactic works against skilled pilots/teams and non-skilled pilots/teams, whereas the hit’n’run tactic never works against skilled teams and only sometimes works against non-skilled players/teams. The teams of that video are perfect proof that hit’n’run drone-pooping doesn’t work against skilled teams.


Ping/packet loss have no effect while doing the hit’n’run drone-pooping, as you are rarely engaged in combat. And, if you listen to the commentary, some of us had high ping and packet loss (me mostly).


Also, your screenshot isn’t really valid as you had a WPK aiding your team. I would love to see a RadiX vs. OWL in any tier, with no help from other teammates.

Oh and Dirk, Dawid was RadiX b4 he moved to WPK. :))) 


You don’t know the whole RadiX Gang and i think you’d be surprised if you did :stuck_out_tongue:

Engine supressor instead of Inhibitor Beam? Why?

Because Engine Suppressor is nutz crazy vs us asswholes who have 500mps+ ships without afterburners. Thats right with the W to try to get past the astricks!


Here is the build:




The point of this: To prove that sentry drones are OP in their current state and to prove that the way most pilots drone-poop is horribly ineffective.

Surprised to see you bothering with cruise, slow missiles, and guard drones.


Actually I am somewhat eh about the old freeze gun also. Ion vs tanks gives me this happy feeling. The old “O you are pulasing, I didn’t notice since adaptives are active and I am kicking your chatter box in because I’m crazy enough to the the +33% damage ammo”. That “o gosh” feeling when your piercing missile hits for a poop ton because there hull has no resistances…


With that said, I feel like I am cheating every time I am in a tackler. Even though I die literally 5 times as often as when I am in a recon.

Surprised to see you bothering with cruise, slow missiles, and guard drones.


I normally don’t use any of them. I was just using them to troll and to prove how OP the sentry drones are in their current state (there is a damage bug related to the J10 implant that gives them far more damage than they are supposed to have).


My normal fit for a tackler doesn’t involve a cruise engine, slowing missiles, or drones. I use gravibeamers fairly often, depends on the build. If I’m not using gravis I’m using gauss.

Guass requires skill & patients.


Therefore I have two reasons not to use it.


Big fan of the being double slowed, and hit with a guass while the tackler activates the sentry drone for the post EB kill.


I get to battle the urge to keyboard smash after a tackler decloaks and does this faster then I can press the key for phase…

Gauss + EM missiles + sentry drone + slow module = dead fed cov ops (unless it’s takamina who is piloting and dodges gauss and EM missiles)

Gauss + EM missiles + sentry drone + slow module = dead fed cov ops (unless it’s takamina who is piloting and dodges gauss and EM missiles)


screw sentry drone. I can 2-shot pretty much any inty with gauss, em missiles, target painter, engine suppressor, inhibitor beam. 

Gauss + EM missiles + sentry drone + slow module = dead fed cov ops (unless it’s takamina who is piloting and dodges gauss and EM missiles)

I survive about 70% of the time only because I have three modules to break the lock.

I like to complain about the other 30% because it is probably 80% of my deaths…


screw sentry drone. I can 2-shot pretty much any inty with gauss, em missiles, target painter, engine suppressor, inhibitor beam. 

The only issue with that setup is strong pilots will counter with a general module. Then you can’t cloak and you don’t have the drone backup.

A good speed build puts a T3 ship in the mid 500s, still hard to hit without after burners, and adaptives were probably working for the 7 seconds of immunity.

An ECM could metafield and possibly counter the missles and suppressor.


Of course there is always a counter.


Honestly target painter is better vs a good guard pilot then a drone is vs a good inty pilot…

I survive about 70% of the time only because I have three modules to break the lock.

I like to complain about the other 30% because it is probably 80% of my deaths…



How are there 3 modules to break lock on an inty? ECM has none, recon has 1 (cloak), cov ops has 2 (camo and white-noise).

White noise only works when the tackler is in a certain range (like 2.8k max or so), and normally I am outside of that range in my tackler (as I have 3.8k range on my gauss, and 3k range on target painter and engine supressor).

I have to ask, but how can you guys hate on the poor Heavy Guard Drone? :frowning:


It’s even fun when approaching beacons that are being capped by stationary little inties who did not notice you pop-up behind their line of fire as they desperately hug the beacon from the other side.


It’s the perfect anti-frigate weapon, especially with Cruise Engines that allow you to get in directly behind any Frigate, poop both drones at like 200-300m, drop their resists, and unload your missile for crazy burst damage along with your main weapon. I have primarily relied on Ions, although I have a soft spot for Singularity cannons. I have been meaning to try a Gravibeamer build for a while, though… seemed to work just fine on my wife’s account, though.

I have to ask, but how can you guys hate on the poor Heavy Guard Drone? :frowning:


It’s even fun when approaching beacons that are being capped by stationary little inties who did not notice you pop-up behind their line of fire as they desperately hug the beacon from the other side.


It’s the perfect anti-frigate weapon, especially with Cruise Engines that allow you to get in directly behind any Frigate, poop both drones at like 200-300m, drop their resists, and unload your missile for crazy burst damage along with your main weapon. I have primarily relied on Ions, although I have a soft spot for Singularity cannons. I have been meaning to try a Gravibeamer build for a while, though… seemed to work just fine on my wife’s account, though.


I don’t hate on the Heavy Guard Drone. To me, it is balanced, since it’s spread is high enough and the projectile speed low enough that you can dodge it going full-speed in a ceptor, fighter, or some frigs. I hate on the sentry drone because it is OP. After the buff that reduced its spread, increased its damage, and increased its projectile speed, it has become super OP (also the J10 implant has bugged it to make it deal twice as much damage as it should).


The Heavy Guard Drone is useful, this post is not to say it isn’t. I’m just sick of seeing players use the double-drone, speed tacklers in a completely pointless way. If you actually use it in a non-hit’n’run way (like you stated above: decloaking behind a frigate, dropping both drones, and doing all the damage you can to it), the build can actually get you high scores against Aces and half-decent teams (not against pros). Compared to the drop’n’run tactic, which will only sometimes work against Aces.