400 GS later

So I decided to waste the 10 useless premium em ammunitions I had to get synergy faster. 


I now have 100 xxxx GS instead of the 500+ I used to have, because your client buys more xxxx premium ammo. God for xxxx bid I be able to save my GS to buy a custom camo for a ship I like.


This game can’t manage to promote itself, it can’t manage to fix it’s bugs and provide fair content to it’s playerbase (xddddddddddddd flux). No wonder I can barely play this game. So I guess I should expect you to xxxx me out of my GS every way possible. Good job providing me with some xxxx premium ammo that used most of my xxxx GS because I didn’t pay attention.


Literally, xxxx you.

Easiest way to get banned, right there.

Anyways, if you use premium ammo, the auto-replenish that you have on will buy more of it just like normal ammo. If you don’t want the game to spend your money for you, turn it off in settings.

your ingame nick name says pretty much all xD you failed to understand premium ammunition was consuming your GS and you also failed to look for a solution to it (like looking at options, de-equiping prem ammo, asking other players, etc.). This is what happens to lasy people who doesnt bother to understand game mechanics…they usually quit soon or keep being Aces for years.

With that name, and the post, this must be the most obvious trolling attempt in the history of the internetz. That, or…

I think he has partly right. Even if there is autofill, before they take off GS from your wallet, they should show at least a popup.

As an exCEO I can say this is one of the most common ace mistake. There is a side mission what tells you to use gold amo. Usually the newbies put the amo in,
use it until they run out of GS, then ask on corpchat and rage.


A few of them leave the game at the beginning, or start a new account immediately to get back the GS.


But as I wrote this is mostly a newbie mistake.

There is a side mission what tells you to use gold amo.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.

Even worst because then the players will face with the problem randomly, not just at the beginning.

Even worst because then the players will face with the problem randomly, not just at the beginning.

Yeah, the problem is there, but the notifications are also. I agree that they could introduce a “resupply ammo” and “resupply premium ammo” ticks in the menu. But still, people will complain about they didn’t see that in the menu.


I didn’t have any problem with that when I started. In fact I think I still have all my premium ammo given by tutorials and such… I never bothered using them.

Yeah, the problem is there, but the notifications are also. I agree that they could introduce a “resupply ammo” and “resupply premium ammo” ticks in the menu. But still, people will complain about they didn’t see that in the menu.


I didn’t have any problem with that when I started. In fact I think I still have all my premium ammo given by tutorials and such… I never bothered using them.

Or the GS amos/rockets should work as the craftable ones. You craft X amount, and when you run out you have to craft more.


Or the GS amos/rockets should work as the craftable ones. You craft X amount, and when you run out you have to craft more.


That is actually a good idea.

I have to agree with the OP, I fell for this trap when I started luckily I spotted what was happening before too much GS was spent. There is no warning that you are about to spend GS when you stock runs out, though this could be an option it certainly would not be the best as messages like these get annoying fast (like War Thunder asking me to renew my premium every single damn time I log in!!).


Or the GS amos/rockets should work as the craftable ones. You craft X amount, and when you run out you have to craft more.


This is a very good suggestion to solve the issue, and possibly the best. The only other solution I would say is to have a separate option to auto replen premium ammo that is deactivated by default.


The OP is certainly not the first to fall for this trap, and will certainly not be the last unless something changes. And its the little things like this that put people off games.

premium ammo that used most of my xxxx GS because I didn’t pay attention.


because I didn’t pay attention.



I agree there could be a a popup, but still.


because I didn’t pay attention.


So I decided to waste the 10 useless premium em ammunitions I had to get synergy faster. 


I now have 100 xxxx GS instead of the 500+ I used to have, because your client buys more xxxx premium ammo. God for xxxx bid I be able to save my GS to buy a custom camo for a ship I like.


This game can’t manage to promote itself, it can’t manage to fix it’s bugs and provide fair content to it’s playerbase (xddddddddddddd flux). No wonder I can barely play this game. So I guess I should expect you to xxxx me out of my GS every way possible. Good job providing me with some xxxx premium ammo that used most of my xxxx GS because I didn’t pay attention.


Literally, xxxx you.


So you didn’t pay attention and somehow this is the game’s fault? You could have turned off automatic ammo restocking if you didn’t want to pay attention. If you want to blame the game for something blame it for something you have no control over, like all the lag.

@OP. there is a tutorial window that pops-up and explains everything to you when you use the option for the first time. at least that is what happened to me. so no problem there.