368 KILL in PVE :-) it was beautiful :-)

Just look - TSKczysciciel


But you lost…

Now do the same in a inteceptor or any ship without auto fire gadgets.

I mean it’s still pretty impressive that you actually had the patience to do this XD

I would have quit straight away once I say my teammates were bad and had died without respawning.

Good job TSKczysciciel!


Now do the same in a inteceptor or any ship without auto fire gadgets.


You kill 350+ with an interceptor in PVE? Good for you.


But you lost…


Winning isn’t everything dude. In the first stage of ‘captured dreadnought’ after everyone else is dead - it’s the frantic killing of endless waves of enemy A.I. in a futile attempt attempt to cap beacons that counts.


Everyone does it eventually, everyone receives the PM flames.

Winning isn’t everything dude. In the first stage of ‘captured dreadnought’ after everyone else is dead - it’s the frantic killing of endless waves of enemy A.I. in a futile attempt attempt to cap beacons that counts.


Everyone does it eventually, everyone receives the PM flames.


Maybe the devs should make a survival game mode, where you just sit there defeating waves of ever-stronger enemies XD

Maybe the devs should make a survival game mode, where you just sit there defeating waves of ever-stronger enemies XD


PVE Onslaught mode would be a great addition to the game, along enemy spawns controlled by a ‘director’ (like in Left for Dead) that reacted to the builds/abilities of the pilots.


You are the super-tester millanbel, suggest this to the devs as hard as you can!

PVE Onslaught mode would be a great addition to the game, along enemy spawns controlled by a ‘director’ (like in Left for Dead) that reacted to the builds/abilities of the pilots.


You are the super-tester millanbel, suggest this to the devs as hard as you can!


Make a new thread suggesting the idea in the appropriate section of the forum, and then gekaler will hopefully forward it.  That’s his job after all, not mine!  My job is to give my opinion on things that are already work-in-progress from the devs and to make sure patches go smoothly :slight_smile:

wanna play survival mode? go to invasion

wanna play survival mode? go to invasion


The waves don’t get harder and harder though… They start out hard right from the start XD  (and they growl at you while doing it)

wanna play survival mode? go to invasion


That sounds so exciting…

That sounds so exciting…

as exciting as stand alone survival pve mode

as exciting as stand alone survival pve mode


Well thanks for the input super-tester.

Well thanks for the input super-tester.

how is it related?

as exciting as stand alone survival pve mode

Everyone has different tastes, not everyone likes the same game modes, ship roles, etc. Some people adore stand alone survival games. Some people love Open Space. Etc.


Survival is a neat PvE idea. I support its implementation, whether I play it or not, so long as it’s something players actually want and will play. I can’t speak for the whole playerbase.

how is it related?


Input & super-tester?

Input & super-tester?

what “super tester” status has anything to do with my opinion as a player?

what “super tester” status has anything to do with my opinion as a playe


I don’t know what the status of “super tester” has to do with your opinion as a player.

I don’t know what the status of “super tester” has to do with your opinion as a player.


Well thanks for the input super-tester.


I don’t know what the status of “super tester” has to do with your opinion as a player.

