3 dozen ships, 4 months to acquire, 12 years a slave?

1 hour ago, MightyHoot said:

what events?!

Every weeks, you can get parts for one specific premium ship. 

Last week it was karud. 


This week it’s 



If you want to get parts for a premium that is not brokk this week. Then you can’t. 

They probably thought that being able to get a free premium in 4 months of grind was too easy. 

So now they take as much time as before. But you can grind only one week every ~8 weeks. 

It would interest me to know if this is really just a hate thread…

19 minutes ago, Shotan said:

It would interest me to know if this is really just a hate thread…

nope, swifter showed me interesting info ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 


also [@Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/) Could you unblock my mail box thingie?

It would interest me to known whether insinuating it is a hate thread makes it a hate thread.

You can consider it my Thar’Ga/Tai’Kin complaint thread. I previously did one for Dart/Gargoyle. The got some nerfs, they still imba…

However, since I didn’t have access to Elly parts until mid-way through this thread, I had no way of obtaining the stats and making sense of the modules.

So there you have it… rigged an broken just like any proper aristocratic system.

Also, what constitutes a ‘hate’ thread? ‘Hating’ on ships which are obviously imbalanced, or pointing out the flaws of an ‘exclusive’ business model?

I prefer to think of it as criticism, but as a result of bias, it’s impossible to criticize the aristocracy without them obviously calling it hate.

Of course, criticism is verboten, especially that of any aristocracy. Who in power would allow you to criticize them? Nobody. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I can somewhat stomach the monocrystal thing, what really is annoying are the destroyer module components that you need a time machine or 50k iridium to have a chance at getting.

I like the numbers in the heading, 3 times 4 making 12. It really has style.

It just occurred to me, then I laughed: Spiral + Ende4vour = Spend4evour? Subliminal messaging.


On 4.05.2017 at 4:54 PM, betatrash said:

inb4; Next we’ll be discussing how self-destructing is ‘griefing’ to Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin players because they can’t farm kills… what about Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin ‘griefing’ other players by being kaput beyond belief? Working as intended?

As a side note: Ever seen a captain in a frigate lately? I have, but not for long… this remains a mystery…

Btw, the captain timer is bugged. Instead of showing HP, it shows a new timer beginning at 200 secs or so… but I’m sure everyone is aware since last week… Why it doesn’t show HP before timer ends (and captain becomes vulnerable) is another peculiar matter…

I only saw you self destructing to 2 guards 2 engies and a guy in tharga that got a message to not feed your team, so I cannot say in general what are you self destructing to, sorry. 

I am flying a guard when being a captain. Find a tight spot, mortar the enemy. Works every time. 


Btw, the captain timer is bugged. Instead of showing HP, it shows a new timer beginning at 200 secs or so… but I’m sure everyone is aware since last week… Why it doesn’t show HP before timer ends (and captain becomes vulnerable) is another peculiar matter…

Would you mind to log it as a bug, please? It’s not logged and I haven’t seen anyone asking about it in game chat. [HERE](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/85-graphics/) is the proper section and [HERE](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/) are guidelines how to create  a proper bug report to ensure the bug will be resolved as soon as  possible. Thanks in advance!

Oh look! Another dozen captains, and a few hundred frigates, got abducted by Tai’Kin… what a surprise.

I’d log bugs. Unfortunately, customer service has been less than helpful, so they can help themselves. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)