2D map sometimes doesn't display properly

Bug report: PC version, Windows 7 x64

Mission: PvE - Defence Contract (this issue might be present on other PvE scenarios as well)


Sometimes the map in PvE won’t be displayed either immediately, but with some delay or not at all.

Pressing Tab key shows 2D map in full view without any problems.


Screenshot 1: (issue with 2D map)


Screenshot 2: (sometimes map is properly displayed with some delay or without any issues)


Did you change interface scale factor in game options?

On 11/14/2016 at 7:23 AM, Skula1975 said:

Did you change interface scale factor in game options?

I did not change anything, but it’s set to lowest - slider at the beginning.

we know about bug liki this. We going to waiting for fix early bug first