2016 Year in Review (Discussion)

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The destroyers were the biggest mistakes of gameplay perspective.

8 minutes ago, SuDoKu said:

The destroyers were the biggest mistakes of gameplay perspective.

Hype train was crazy and their appearance was amazing! But bashing destroyers became a trend now and its unfair. They added more to the game and more important changes came not even from destros. PvP balance and weapon mechanics changes, turn keys removal - imo those were for good. Before that game was about turn fights and lesser ping defined the winner. Even now ping 60 can’t hit ping 20 but with destroyers providing cover we slowpokes got some freedom of operation on rank 12+. Low ping ceptors owned the battlefield buzzing around whole team - I don’t miss that.

  Its the torpedo LRFs that need to be reworked. Too OP in survival, too weak in other PvP modes and completely useless in corp battles this potentially fun class is overlooked

13 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

Its the torpedo LRFs that need to be reworked. Too OP in survival, too weak in other PvP modes and completely useless in corp battles this potentially fun class is overlooked

except the survival mode, lrfs are just fine.


Have you flown the gargoyle yet? Its op as hell. dps about 36 000 in survival on curved and disintegrator modifier. That is the highest dps in the game atm.

I liked the new ships, destroyers included and everything they brought, now you can’t go play without brain cells, i mean you can, but you will die, every second. Not just a pew pew game anymore so I like that part. The sad part is bad players got worse and good players got even better and the difference now is pretty obvious, it began to look like a game thats easy to play but hard to master which is the foundation for a future in e-sports. I’m looking forward to the development of this game and every small part of it.

No new OS content(Yeah I like leviathan, but that’s the only addition…), no real new PvP modes(fufu survival…), no new PvE missions(or did I miss something?), no new Spec Ops.
Increased grind/pay wall(xeno crystals, ship component container, new alien coming). Removing of contracts(0 progression in those) and therefore major nerf to me.
Only possitive: Farmable premiums(at least a few).

2016: The fail year.

15 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

  Its the torpedo LRFs that need to be reworked. Too OP in survival, too weak in other PvP modes and completely useless in corp battles this potentially fun class is overlooked


Probably because you never noticed that you can press tachyoon without using it instantly thanks to Torp mechanics which allows to have it always active whenever you need torp ?


Jerichos LRF are the best since reverse thruster. EM, use your initial speed to go in the melee, kill everything, then press RT and 1 seconds before it’s activation, torp.

Thanks to low shield booster/reverse cooldown, you can do it all the time without any danger.


Once you get used to that mauler, kraken feels bad.

51 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Have you flown the gargoyle yet? Its op as hell. dps about 36 000 in survival on curved and disintegrator modifier. That is the highest dps in the game atm.

Actually yes I do have Gargoyle and its amazing - its customizable DPS is crazy indeed but… New PvP balancer ofthen matches in in r10-r15 and well… you don’t want to duel Dragons, cover ops appear out of nowhere and destros are very agile. And better dont let Vigilant even notice you or it’ll reduce you to ash in a flash from 7k meters. Good luck with “fearsome” short sighted curved that takes time to warm up lol

14 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

Actually yes I do have Gargoyle and its amazing - its customizable DPS is crazy indeed but… New PvP balancer ofthen matches in in r10-r15 and well… you don’t want to duel Dragons, cover ops appear out of nowhere and destros are very agile. And better dont let Vigilant even notice you or it’ll reduce you to ash in a flash from 7k meters. Good luck with “fearsome” short sighted curved that takes time to warm up lol

Did you try “quick-scoping” so they don’t find you immediately? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

36 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

Actually yes I do have Gargoyle and its amazing - its customizable DPS is crazy indeed but… New PvP balancer ofthen matches in in r10-r15 and well… you don’t want to duel Dragons, cover ops appear out of nowhere and destros are very agile. And better dont let Vigilant even notice you or it’ll reduce you to ash in a flash from 7k meters. Good luck with “fearsome” short sighted curved that takes time to warm up lol

If you have problems with survivability in any Tier in EM-scatter lrf, you have a serious issue.
Give me any lrf from R6-R15 and I’ll show you that their survivability in the battle doesn’t differ. Ofc considering you are flying it properly.


Back to the lrf topic - Recently I have found out that not many tourney squads use lrfs - simply because they probably talk to each other and can easily focus fire even on a cloaked lrf. But with a simple assistance, LRFs can be more survivable, if paid attention to. Then such a pilot will become a major efficient counter to all kinds of inties flying around, buzzing. This way you can easily gather points. 

From my point: LRF are very strong. My only problems in them are a) my team suck and let the enemy come <5km to our spawn or b) to many counter lrfs.

Pls buff



T3 Destroyers - Decent addition. Making them rounded was a course of administration that could still do with a bit of work.

T4 Destroyers - Decent addition. But the destroyers should have stopped there - they do tons of damage.

T5 Destroyers - Bad addition. I own one myself and made 8,900 pilot rating within 3 hours up from average T3 - that should NOT be the case of someone of my skill level. In addition, the Sirius’s Destabilising Field needs a gigantic revamp and so does the Spatial Stabiliser.

Palom - Not much to say about it, but it keeps us on our heels. Fun to play in every now and then.

Kite-E - My god this should be a R7 at LEAST. Its active module is just OP as hell.

Ghost - Lasers need either reworking or faster heating time. Either way, good ship to fly for the tournaments we’re having nowadays - could also do with an afterburner draw reduction instead of module reloading rate.

Archelon - Very useful. Good perspective of Guard ships and fun to play in tournament.

Phoenix - Very fun ship to play, even better for open space as a beginner. Reliable and safe way of also helping protect destroyers in PvP.

Reaper -  I have no idea how to use the shield or any of the modules, but the design looks good.

Nightingale - Very fun to fly, but carries a Masking Station that could do with revamping as well as it… does almost next to nothing to protect you or your team.

Stingray - Maybe the developer who designed the concept for this ship’s special module should be given a nobel prize for the most fun ship in the entire game. Unique way of seeing the Federation “Hit & Run” tactic.

Brokk - Essential for a Jericho based team, even more helpful to other players using the Tyrant. Not much is so OP about this ship - but it is definitely worth the grind it demands.

Karud - I haven’t yet unlocked the systems sabotage, but it’s a nice enough revamp. Maybe something should be done about the ship’s flyability and user-friendliness, but perhaps that can be determined by the pilot.

Hyena’s ODG “Mantis” - Useful. Nice touch on a ship that’s already relatively slow. Maybe something can be done for the Achilles in the future?

Styx’s “Styx” Combat Drones - Add a third one. If it only heals 1 player in your vicinity, it’s almost next to nothing compared to the normal combat drones.

Sword S’s “Sword S” Diffusion Shield - This is probably the only reason I will get the module in the future. If I have a team that I am pushing with, I will be VERY happy to use the Sword S with the special module equipped - other than that, the healing upon deactivation should be either based on the capacitor, weapon base damage OR radius.

Gargoyle - Best tool for T4 dreads. Shame I haven’t got to using it yet, but I will definitely have fun using this ship when I do. Also a good workhorse for doing OS tasks.

Dart - I intend to get everything specialist setup for this ship and use it as much as I possibly can when I do have one. It’s going to be worth the seek for the activator if one can find any.

Dag’tnith - Good weapon for retreats, but only good for players who know how to use it properly. Some specialist tweaking could do well do for this weapon.

Thi’lith - Could do with a smaller spread and less energy consumption. Interesting take on the Pulsar.

Sk’rah - Rework this weapon’s ricochet accuracy. Also, increase its spread to about 0.4-1.8 degrees.

Energy Converter - Needs reworking on ECM’s. Could do with reworking for the Command considering the Diffusion Shield.

Crystal Plates - Any destroyer or Empire master race pilot’s greatest friend. Well done to the guy who introduced this.

G’Thar’Du - A thorn in my side. This weapon should either have less pull, or less damage. One should pick - as of present, I don’t like what this weapon stands for.

A1MA - The revamp sounds interesting and I’ve been tempted a couple of times, but unfortunately this is not the module I am looking for. At least not right now - maybe it could do some use in the future, but I’d like to see passive version of this module rather than an active one.

New voucher system - Effective, but some say it’s harder than usual. The fact that I don’t need to use 3 different currencies to upgrade my weapons anymore is relieving, but some of us are now lacking in resources after the loss of hundreds of Mk2 upgrade kits that have since been discontinued. There should be more items introduced to the game that give multitudes of resources rather than just a single crystal shard or impure graphite - we should have crates containing quantities of more than one type of material.

New PvP Matchmaking System - Absolutely anything but productive. That’s the only way I can describe it - it needs to be changed and absolute to ranks between and up to 4 ranks difference - this means, players who want to play rank 15 games exclusively don’t end up facing a Fox-M in the battlefield that just gets crushed. This needs to be resolved in the next patch - that also being said, the rank boosts completely null the objective of actually getting better at the game and more as a carry for the players flying in ships that shouldn’t be in the game they are in.

Corporation space extension to 250 spaces - very useful. This means we don’t need to limit our massive populations so much anymore and focus on producing and managing our pilots much easier without the need for so many alternates (I won’t point fingers.) For those with corporations of over 150 active, more work can be done - I’ve made a couple of suggestions already I believe.



Devote a single patch to fixing all of the in-game bugs - This is urgent. We need to see some action taken on missing ship parts on older designs too - and especially Mac OS could do with a  BIG  stabilisation!

Revamp the Matchmaking System (see above) - Introduce a system based on 4 ranks. You queue with a Rank 7 and have a chance to queue against Rank 4 minimum or Rank 10 maximum - but a Rank 7 pilot will never see a Rank 11 ship or higher until the Rank 7 is out of its slot. Also, restrict the system to recognise your ship’s ranks - so if a player queues with 2 ships of ranks 9 and 11, the lowest they will go up against will be a Rank 8 and the highest a Rank 12. This will also mean that players who are in Rank 15 ships will no longer face Rank 11 destroyers.

Allow squads between 2-4 players to be formed for PvE - Too long do we wait for random queues to form in normal PvE. The system should allow for faster matchmaking on lower difficulties with the exception of Fire Support, Defence Contract and all Rank 11-15 games, which should be mandated for group play only.

Give the kill to the player who deals the most damage - After all, if you did the most damage, you deserve the credit, don’t you?


That’s all I got to say. Looking forward to the outcomes for this year!

The Reaper’s tractor beam needs a rework. It pulls ships too fast. Also it should not be able to pull different classes the same way. The bigger the ship the less the pull should be. But certainly way less than 260 m/s on frigates. 

3 hours ago, Shotan said:


New PvP Matchmaking System - Absolutely anything but productive. That’s the only way I can describe it - it needs to be changed and absolute to ranks between and up to 4 ranks difference - this means, players who want to play rank 15 games exclusively don’t end up facing a Fox-M in the battlefield that just gets crushed. This needs to be resolved in the next patch - that also being said, the rank boosts completely null the objective of actually getting better at the game and more as a carry for the players flying in ships that shouldn’t be in the game they are in.


Devote a single patch to fixing all of the in-game bugs - This is urgent. We need to see some action taken on missing ship parts on older designs too - and especially Mac OS could do with a  BIG  stabilisation!

Revamp the Matchmaking System (see above) - Introduce a system based on 4 ranks. You queue with a Rank 7 and have a chance to queue against Rank 4 minimum or Rank 10 maximum - but a Rank 7 pilot will never see a Rank 11 ship or higher until the Rank 7 is out of its slot. Also, restrict the system to recognise your ship’s ranks - so if a player queues with 2 ships of ranks 9 and 11, the lowest they will go up against will be a Rank 8 and the highest a Rank 12. This will also mean that players who are in Rank 15 ships will no longer face Rank 11 destroyers.

Allow squads between 2-4 players to be formed for PvE - Too long do we wait for random queues to form in normal PvE. The system should allow for faster matchmaking on lower difficulties with the exception of Fire Support, Defence Contract and all Rank 11-15 games, which should be mandated for group play only.

Give the kill to the player who deals the most damage - After all, if you did the most damage, you deserve the credit, don’t you?


That’s all I got to say. Looking forward to the outcomes for this year!

Also, all ships of ranks 10-15 should get no damage buffs or resistance bonuses (hull/shield) of any kind.

You need to prioritize on bugs, atm. We got issues with the fire rate of almost all weapons, that is slower than it should be!

Stabilize/fix Mac OS issues that have been already reported.


Well summarized, Shotan!

16 was awesome for me in the game I assembled Reaper and Archelon, got two r14 dessy ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)  played my first tournament in the First Encounter Tournament which was great,
had won on 2 GM Hunt, and the best of all I won a T-short, soo I need a lot of work to top that in 17 ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I liked all the updates, except survival and the mixed rank battles. Hope the green things will be awesome too. 

2016 ; some good idea and new weapons and modules .

Just need to balance the game ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) .

i want more like Archelon , well designed

>>The Reaper’s tractor beam needs a rework. It pulls ships too fast. Also it should not be able to pull different classes the same way. The bigger the ship the less the pull should be. But certainly way less than 260 m/s on frigates. <<

For me it’s bugged as hell. It doesn’t pull, it’s plain reducing your speed and if you even are slowed to ~0 in a fed dessy, with fed layout, something is totally broken.

To me, 2016 was a horrible year for the game, with far more negatives, than positives. My outlook for the game is rather grim at this point, with so much of how the direction of the game has been going, and is planned for the future making me question the point of even logging in for the short amount of time I do these days.

On 30/12/2016 at 9:47 AM, SuDoKu said:

The destroyers were the biggest mistakes of gameplay perspective.

Agreed. 2016 has been my least favourite year for this game because of destroyers. My favourite year was 2015. That’s when the game really felt worth playing for me.