2 monitor.

Hi all pilots!  :012j:


I have 2 monitor - TV 4k Philips and small Philips 190SW (?)

Which i can play with 2? I need this small monitor behind me or left.


Can i do this or this game is only for 1 TV/monitor / Oculus?



Sorry if it’s a bad section on. I have a problem with English. :01414: 

playing on 2 monitors which have different size and resolution won’t look good :smiley:

also you’ll have half of hud on one and other half on another


but yea you can, just use 2nd monitor as extension (it’ll work when u’ll have toolbar on both monitors)

I know but i need try. How i can do it?

I know but i need try. How i can do it?

depends on system and GPU + drivers



Windows 7 Proffesional x64.

GPU: AMD Radeon 7700.


Drivers version 15.200.1062.1004 / 2015-08-03

Then google it XD

I just used NVIDIA’s surround tools but let’s say 3x different size monitors with 2 sets of resolution just doesn’t work :012j:


also JP’s video from triple monitor setup

Can i use in on Nvidia GT 440?

also JP’s video from triple monitor setup


Looks like a movie with that aspect ratio and music. 


JP HACKS: The Sweet Rolls

Coming to you, this autumn


Also, close range combat with 3x screens is impossible.

Can i use in on Nvidia GT 440?

your amd is also working but the problem is your crosshair and stuff will be beetween you both monitors and you cant fly properly anyore you have to go with at least 3 or 1

With two it will lokk something like this


I think do this:



In 2 small monitor is behind me.

I see your point there. Unfortunately I don’t think it is possible.