2 Days Premium license and Weekend Sale!



Spring, a time of growth spurt is coming!

And we want our pilots to remember the first days with this action:

- 100% Bonus to synergy gain in battles

  • 100% Bonus to loyalty gain for contracts

  • 100% Bonus to synergy extraction

Moreover, all pilots will recieve One day of premium license for the very first day of Spring and One more day of premium license as a compensation for last weekend’s connection issues.

To sum it all up: today, you will all get TWO DAYS of premium license! 

Use this chance to make your ships better and progress faster - maximum boost awaits! Have a nice game!


Star Conflict Team.



Great. I was hoping for a discount on T5 equipment upgrades. First day of spring is March 20th!?

Excelent, ty.

Cool !   +1     :storm:

Yay, time to actually get a bunch of synergy! 

This weekend has been a good weekend for progression. This weekend I have maxed out 4 ships, unlocked 6 and earnt a total of approx. 350k synergy on all ships, whilst earning approx. a total of 5 million credits. I would say it has been a successful week.

Yea it was nice weekend event :smiley: but Im still waiting for t5 module sale.

This weekend has been a good weekend for progression. This weekend I have maxed out 4 ships, unlocked 6 and earnt a total of approx. 350k synergy on all ships, whilst earning approx. a total of 5 million credits. I would say it has been a successful week.

350k in 2days you say?


but Im still waiting for t5 module sale.

another t4/t5 ship sale for me please

also that screenshot: t3 + t4 loot from the same battle? never seen that before

another t4/t5 ship sale for me please

also that screenshot: t3 + t4 loot from the same battle? never seen that before

T4 from R9 ship

T3 from R8 ship

have that a lot lately

T4 from R9 ship

T3 from R8 ship

have that a lot lately

Should not be possible though, if you mix ranks in your line-up you are not meant to be able to get next tier loot according to Antibus if you don’t fly the lower ranks, and it never worked for me either. Will have to test again I guess, maybe they ninja-changed it when they played with the match-maker.

edit: yep, seems to have been changed.

Yea it was nice weekend event :smiley: but Im still waiting for t5 module sale.

350k in 2days you say?

