15k damage from a gauss shot! :O

I had no idea this was even possible! I got a 15k charged shot on  a guard in PVP! Here is the line from the logs:


21:35:45.024  CMBT   | Damage        millanbel|0000001853 ->         kuclestu|0000023655 15182.64 


I can send the log file for anyone that thinks I cheated this :slight_smile:  It’s a shame I didn’t get a print screen!

Valkyrie buffed freshly decloaked tackler with orange gauss and 2-3 purple TTC?

Valkyrie buffed freshly decloaked tackler with orange gauss and 2-3 purple TTC?


I don’t think there was valkyrie, and I have one of the special cloaks, but I did have a buff from the implant that accumulates damage (10%) and orange gauss and target painter


But usual damage is around 8k

Assuming he has “fat” build, your TP and 11-1 implant combined brings him into negative 40 resistance, and this is alone is 40% dmg buff to the FINAL dmg (not base weapon dmg), meaning it scales all of your base dmg modifiers (like passive modules, ship modifier, lock modifier, not moving (12-1) modifier, 13-3 modifier, that has been scaled by crit modifiers. Add in potential Valk and Captain bonuses and you can see some crazy numbers when stars align.

I think I remember seeing Tillo test out the maximum possible alpha damage. I think it was a crit build positron mauler captain with a tackler teammate with target painter against an off phase guard.


It was 40k damage, if I recall correctly.

I think I remember seeing Tillo test out the maximum possible alpha damage. I think it was a crit build positron mauler captain with a tackler teammate with target painter against an off phase guard.


It was 40k damage, if I recall correctly.


yes there was a video somewhere! I have seen those numbers with positron before, but on gauss I have never seen over 8k, except when I was shooting on stuff in invasion trying to get the maximum possible.

Are you the captain or your teammate ate a dmg buff in team battle :O?

Are you the captain or your teammate ate a dmg buff in team battle :O?


It was capture the beacon

when stars align.


They don’t align very often ^^

weren’t resits nerfed?

If he was “TARGET PAINTED” (I hate this expression xD) with low Kinetic Resistance and hit by a Gauss fully charged with a Crit.

An MK.4 Target Painter already bypass the base Kinetic shield resistance on Guards.

Also it reminds me ol’ Singularity PvE thing, you shoot mob for 6k, 6k, 6k crits then derp 10k crit from no reason.

Maybe there is such thing as 110% critical chance :stuck_out_tongue:

weren’t resits nerfed?

Not really

If he was “TARGET PAINTED” (I hate this expression xD) with low Kinetic Resistance and hit by a Gauss fully charged with a Crit.

An MK.4 Target Painter already bypass the base Kinetic shield resistance on Guards.


Mk 5 for me :slight_smile: (not that it makes much difference) also jag has a boost on the target painter due to it’s tackler modules effects bonus