
12v12 is fine. The problem is the objectives and time limits are being set for 3v3 matches. In these bigger games, you need more time to shift your strategy, regroup and counter-attack. As it is, if the enemy can capture 2-3 beacons in a row, or get one good push in detonation, you’ve lost because you’ll never have time to make up the difference.


THIS!!! i had several matches where i join at the end of the chart and after waiting 20 secs for spawn my match ended in under 30 seconds!!! the objectives are quite crazy. team battles used to be 30:30 points and now are only 15:15 or 10:10 in 12v12 matches. this is just insane. and then there is the problem with ceptor swarms killing everything just like locust swarm does. and of course my favorite: 4 guards with 2 engies that u cant ever kill since they all have set weapons with 5k range. all in all the feeling is more like i am a spectator rather than a contributing factor. oh, and also the reward you get per match dropped to about half of what it used to be since when ever a target comes in range 12 ppl shoot at it and tear it to shreds. this also means u end up with scores less than 1k. on the positive side the new changes seem great and fun.

what i would change: new players can only join a match in the first 30 seconds after a game is made - meaning up to the point the first players spawn. also i know balance is a tricky subject but mm should try to give each team ships of each role more or less. the boring clusterf*%k matches happen when one side has tons of interceptors or guards/engies and the other side only few. i had that match where my team had only 1 eng in the whole rooster and enemy had 3 and was using all of em. i would also really make it a must to have 3 ships equipped at the appropriate tier in order to do pvp …

 4 guards with 2 engies that u cant ever kill since they all have set weapons with 5k range. all in all the feeling is more like i am a spectator rather than a contributing factor. oh, and also the reward you get per match dropped to about half of what it used to be since when ever a target comes in range 12 ppl shoot at it and tear it to shreds. 

this is exactly the reason why I started this thread, all beacon-less battles yesterday were like this. Two fat frig/guard balls firing at each other and a few ceptors flying around like a wild bee hive. In the end I decided to spawn with my engi and just fire with my eclipse launcher into the big red mass in hope to catch something. Personally I like 8v8 the most, it’s not as messy but also not boring with alot of action going on, but most fights within the battle are 1vs1 if you can single out an opponent, in 12vs12 you are almost never fighting against only one enemy.

Phase Shield

Shield resistance to selected damage is now 120 pts. at all levels

Bonus to ship weapons damage has been reduced to 15%

Considering how majority of guards(or the better ones) are using 1x Kinetic + 2x Thermal and PhaseShield into EM, practically you got 30 resistance nerf on guards EM.

I have plasmas on 2-3 out of 4 ships I run, i do notice that guards got softer.

In T5 if there is a good Jaguar with target Painter, everything melts, dmg boost is through the roof on that monster. Oh and there are some wild suppressor users (anti healing gun on interceptors) that make it hell for frigates, especially guards.

Overall I haven’t notice much of effective frig balling, sometimes it happen under right conditions and effective, but it is not different from mass interceptors in certain map-modes,

12v12 > 8v8 

Considering how majority of guards(or the better ones) are using 1x Kinetic + 2x Thermal and PhaseShield into EM, practically you got 30 resistance nerf on guards EM.


Usually good guard players use the Phase shield to get 25% boost to damage, instead of just as a 120 EM diffuser.


But maybe that is me…


I agree that with the current big games and the fix to destructor, the frigball is what it should do, the core of a good team, but you still need ceptors and support fighters.

Usually good guard players use the Phase shield to get 25% boost to damage, instead of just as a 120 EM diffuser.


But maybe that is me…


I agree that with the current big games and the fix to destructor, the frigball is what it should do, the core of a good team, but you still need ceptors and support fighters.

It is 15% now

It is 15% now

Well, that changes things a bit… 

Ok turns out I don’t have a problem with 12v12 per se, I just suck in T5 :smiley: Had a blast today in T4 12v12 and I were among the top 3 in most matches. So I’ll stick to T4 for now until I have better equip and ships for T5. But to be honest it’s not alone about equip, alot of newbs seem to be in T4 now which becomes most evident in beacon modes where they think that camping and killing with their LFR is the way to win. T5 pilots though are a whole different class, I guess most have maxed ships and they sure know what they are doing :wink:


I’m a huge fan of the 12v12 matches now. I just have two problems with the new matchmaker, both of which are probably bugs that can be fixed.


  1. Huge lag spikes every time players join the game while it is in progress. The lag spikes for me have been lasting around 3 seconds or so, but it can be more if 6+ people join the game at the same time. Hopefully this will be an easily fixable problem that is patched in the near future.


  1. Matchmaking balance has seemed to have gone to sh*t. It seems that the first players into the game always get balanced the best, but any new players that join in seem to be extremely unbalanced. Most of the good ones get put on to one side and most of the bad ones on the other. Not sure if this is just bad luck on my part, but in the games I have played today, most of them (in T5 at least) seem to have been very unbalanced.

I’m a huge fan of the 12v12 matches now. I just have two problems with the new matchmaker, both of which are probably bugs that can be fixed.


  1. Huge lag spikes every time players join the game while it is in progress. The lag spikes for me have been lasting around 3 seconds or so, but it can be more if 6+ people join the game at the same time. Hopefully this will be an easily fixable problem that is patched in the near future.


  1. Matchmaking balance has seemed to have gone to sh*t. It seems that the first players into the game always get balanced the best, but any new players that join in seem to be extremely unbalanced. Most of the good ones get put on to one side and most of the bad ones on the other. Not sure if this is just bad luck on my part, but in the games I have played today, most of them (in T5 at least) seem to have been very unbalanced.


Yep there’s some “lag” sometimes when people join ongoing matches. 


About the “balance” after a while you will realize that it’s just luck related, my w/l ratio is not improving atm but WHATEVER :slight_smile: i’m having fun like a pig in the mud with this 12vs12 thingy :slight_smile:

I don’t have to try to carry the whole team as usual, finally i can just pew pew Tillystyle.

Well mm is the same for me as before… If there are squads ingame I end up in a team with crap squad 90% of the games… But 12 va 12 is fun, has lag, but fun.

Well mm is the same for me as before… If there are squads ingame I end up in a team with crap squad 90% of the games… But 12 va 12 is fun, has lag, but fun.


In 12v12 a crap squad has less influence

I’m a huge fan of the 12v12 matches now. I just have two problems with the new matchmaker, both of which are probably bugs that can be fixed.


  1. Huge lag spikes every time players join the game while it is in progress. The lag spikes for me have been lasting around 3 seconds or so, but it can be more if 6+ people join the game at the same time. Hopefully this will be an easily fixable problem that is patched in the near future.


  1. Matchmaking balance has seemed to have gone to sh*t. It seems that the first players into the game always get balanced the best, but any new players that join in seem to be extremely unbalanced. Most of the good ones get put on to one side and most of the bad ones on the other. Not sure if this is just bad luck on my part, but in the games I have played today, most of them (in T5 at least) seem to have been very unbalanced.


  1. We are fixing these annoying lags. Sorry for the inconveniences.

  2. It doesn’t look so for me, i quess it’s just a luck, as you said.

Millan not if u get 4 more crabs in a team

  1. We are fixing these annoying lags. Sorry for the inconveniences.

  2. It doesn’t look so for me, i quess it’s just a luck, as you said.


Thank you for your responses. It did in fact seem to be bad luck, as I played some more games yesterday and most of them seemed to be more balanced.

Millan not if u get 4 more crabs in a team


Well, for sure a crab team is worse than a crap team :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering how majority of guards(or the better ones) are using 1x Kinetic + 2x Thermal and PhaseShield into EM, practically you got 30 resistance nerf on guards EM.


Considering how this fitting is why randoms guards don’t know how to play.