10% off all Galactic Standards purchased by the invited friend did not appear on my account

Hello. 10% off all Galactic Standards purchased by the invited friend did not appear on my account. I receives news about the purchase of GS by my friend and I received a bonus but I can not take it

I only have messages in my inbox. He bought it 3 times and I never got GS



Not very good… I hope they fix it.

I am not sure if this feature is still active. I think it may have been removed.

My friend was contacted by a supporter who told me to set up a topic here. So I think it should be active. 

3 hours ago, Angero said:

My friend was contacted by a supporter who told me to set up a topic here. So I think it should be active. 

Not a problem. Check the older patch notes, before or right after the Trading system got introduced. I think that it was removed some time ago.

Even if he still had your invite code, I think that such purchases now get nullified, so no +10% GS bonus is given. Developers should know for sure.


If you’re running Star Conflict on Steam, then you may just need to go to Steam directory, Steamapps/Star Conflict, locate game.exe and run it as an Administrator.

This might be enough to fix your problem. Best that you both do so.


What it mean: 0081321?

bugtracker number

So do you know anything about this bug? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)